Tuesday, November 13, 2018

MyStory - Goddess Association

Do you know where your tribe came from, your people, your ancestry?  I did my DNA testing and I have a strong Celtic association.  While I have long been interested in DNA roots, inherited body, mind, heart, spirit areas, I had not focused in on one, specifically.  What does such do for me? 
Having been found by my maternal birth family, I can tell you, you know a great deal more of oneself by making that connection.  It gives me reason to connect to the most ancient goddess of my maternal birthright.  There are so many considerations that we might not have thought of, as we venture on knowing more of Self.  

As I adventured into knowing my twelve siblings and birth mother, I began to find and hear stories of extended relations.  As I got to know each sibling better, I began to see incredible commonalities.  For instance, something as incredible as the fact we ALL crave dill pickle juice.  When I hit some trauma in my life, I went around the isolated fly-in community I was living in and begged for their left over dill pickle juice.  We are all salt lovers ( all popcorn addicts).  We have a sense of only liking certain kinds of sweetnesses.  And, so many of us do not like the different tastes of water.  I always knew I hated water.  I could taste  differences.  It was not until my fifth child was born that I came to know that he was intolerant of minerals in water.  He nearly died.  He was hemorrhaging in his gut. It took several months for them to figure that out.  He was also allergic to milk of any kind except goats milk (thank god).  I knew that my earliest adoptive history that I was allergic to milk and, at six months, had rickets and was malnourished.   If I wanted to get out of going to school, all I had to do was drink a big glass of water when I got up.  I would immediately hurl across the room.  They would keep me home.  As well, when I met my full brother, come to find out, my birth mother had had to feed him clabbered milk because he could not drink regular milk.  So many other inheritances that the immediately obvious.  Some things, right down to anger management is in all of us;  things like decision-making in relationships were very common;  things like strength and being workaholics;  things like that we are all driven people;  type A personalities;  and the list goes on.  Imagine what else we inherited, what else has trickled down in our lives; how do the ancient ancestors abide in our very souls?

We know that knowing the lifespan of our ancestors says something about our life span.  My birthmother, aunties, grandmother, and great aunts, that we know the history of, all lived into their mid-nineties.  This gives a clue as to longevity in my life.  I have witness to special behaviors, talents, likes and dislikes that come down the lines (peppermints).  

Once, ancestry was very important in most cultures.  We knew who our warriors were and what families to tie ourselves to.  We knew, in ancient times, how to choose husbands and fathers of our children by birthrights and traits.  The ancients were very tied to healthy genes, birthing patterns of ancestors, etc.  It was, once, important to know if family traits included faith, love, charity, respect and pride.  Knowledge was passed down.  We do not know how ancestors can be a source of inspiration, a source of protection, and many hidden virtues and values.  We, as a modern culture, ever changing, and changing quickly, have lost the sacred traditions of our ancestors.  How do we reconnect?  If we have physical, intellectual, emotional shared traits, do we not have shared spiritual traits as well?  

One important ancestral inheritance, that most of us have lost, is connection to our birthright language.  We absolutely know that losing one's ancient language is to lose connection to the intellectual, emotional and spiritual connections to our beginnings.  A generation or two or three ago, Native Americans were being forced to forget their language and we know how desperately they are trying to reinsert that in their education today.  Language is the way of expression as deep as soul expression.  If we trace, or do DNA testing to find out where we come from, then we can actually begin to revive the soul of who we are.  I am of the opinion that we receive messages from our ancients.  How can we interpret those ancestral messages if we do not know the language?  The bonds of love tie us to our ancestors and we will know, if we are of many mixed heritages, what ones we are most tied to.  It is like loving one parent jsut a little bit more than another, of loving a grandmother on one side more than another, of having connections and knowing/sensing the strength of connections.  You will know what language you are drawn to.  Even bugs have ways of messaging each other.  Consider bees who communicate where to get pollen and nectar, they share that information and follow one another through messages, to where they need to be.  Ants have ways of communicating; even geese honk to support the leaders of the Vee.  

There are certain kinds of song and dance and music that we are drawn to, if we are in tune.  Usually these things are passed down from parent to child, grandparents to grandchildren.  I have many passed down poems and songs and recipes and nuances passed down from my adoptive parents.  Imagine how it feels to reconnect to bone and blood songs, dances, music, etc.  To know and then research such things in your ancestry, it will, as a matter of fact, open you up to more deeply embedded soul memories.

I have a sense that one day we will stand together with our birthed ancestry.  Would they be disappointed that we were not delving into those things that make an ancestry ancestry?  Might it be that some of the, what we might call Karma, comes back to us both positively and negatively?  IMHO yes!!!!  Out of love and respect do we seek out our ancestry.  Out of love and respect did I develop these two pages about the Celtic goddesses and my connections to them.  One, wayyyyy back, were my Celtic ancestors.  How can I know them if I do not know their beginnings?  I choose to know the goddesses of my ancestry because it helps me connection, more, to my very soul.  I connect to lean on them when I am tired of body, mind, and soul.  Of course, some might have some dark areas in/of their lives, or some lives.  Of course, they were tested in their time the same as I might be tested in mine.  

I so, encourage you to seek out as far back as you can.  Seek the culture, the languages, the beliefs, hopes, dreams, music, ways of being.  Follow your soul's yearning as you do so.  This is not worshipping of anything.  This is to fill in voids that we might not even be aware of.  Seek your ethnicity and then seek out, if you choose, what ancient goddess they followed and asked for knowledge of, and asked for protection of.  

We are the product of our ancestors.  We are the answer to some ancestor's prayers.  We can know how our past becomes our present.  We can come to understand where our strengths and weaknesses come from.  I swear to you, it gives you a sense of purpose, of acknowledgement, of affirmation.

When I did these two pages, I chose to use a coloring book image and colored it.  I cut it out and used it.  I painted a face on the page.  Then I added every bit of what I knew to be Celtic goddesses and a Celtic prayer was made on a sheet of notepad and added.  

The second page has a painting I painted, a frame of washi tape around it.  I used sticky lettering for Celtic.  I used string art to border the right side of the second page.  String art is wicked easy to do and so beautiful when done.  

reference to string art and it will lead you to others sharing how they did it. 

©Carol Desjarlais 11.13.18


  1. Found a cousin Issacs in Edmonton He is Metis through my gr grandmother . On an adventure .
