Monday, November 26, 2018

MyStory - Paternal Nordic Origins

I am adding some repeat of when I began my MyStory.  It is a large (20 x 12 ") Mixed media pad with hard cover.  It is much like a Grimoire, but I am not doing that, I am documenting some things about me, about my life, about who I am, about the things I am interested in.  You can go through some earlier blog posts and find more about my pages and how I am organizing them.

Here are some ideas about what you can put in your book:

Specific Things to include in your story

- Basic Symbols
-Physical Symbols (Book, Drilbu, Tombstone etc.)
-Magic Circles
-Amulets and Talismans
-Languages and Alphabets (Runes, Theban Script, Kanji, Egyptian Hieroglyphs etc.)
- Magical Tools (Grimoire, Ritual Knife, Incense, Crystal Ball, Special Clothes, Dream Catchers, Cancels, Altars etc.)
-Numbers and Number Systems
-Sacred Geometry
-Philosophical Texts

-Different Religions and their Mythology
-Mythical Beings (Angels, Fae, Unicorns etc.)
-God Pantheons
-Creation Myths
-Interesting People which inspire you
-Secret Societies
-Lore and Legends that you like
- Cartomancy (Cards and Tarot)
-Radiesthesia (Dowsing, Pendulum etc.)
-Arithmancy and Numeralogy
- Biorythms
- Runes
-I Ching
- Geomancy
- Palmistry

-Natural Phenomenons and Catastrophes
-Plants, Trees, Herbs, Spices etc.

-Animals (Fauna)
-Herbalism (Preparation of Herbs, Potions, Infusions, Baths, Teas, Cosmetics, Perfumes etc.)
-Natural Medicine (Salves etc.
-Parapsychology (Telekinesis, Telepathy etc.)
-Diffrent Types, Practices and Traditions of healing   Shamanism, Kabbalah, Mysticism, Gnosticism,
-Dreams and Lucid Dreams
-Invocations and Envocations
- Spirit Guides
-Auras and Chakras
-Your Favorite Books

The list is endless.  The way you might organize your book is endless.  Right now, I am on pages 13 - 15 where I am exploring the mythologist and goddesses  of my Norse DNA background.  (Remember, I am truly focused on the feminine in all I do and I have studied the goddesses for years so I might know and keep remembering who they are so we do not lose their value and honor in our own lives).  Since I have done my DNA testing on my paternal side, especially, for all we have had was my full brother and I and our children, and a name of our father, and have not been able to follow back any further.  So,, although it is a huge leap, I am researching my connections to the Norse cultures and ways of spiritual living.  Do you know your two most basic lineages?  Well, this is how I am expressing that on these three pages.

I have done some string art on the first page and added washi tape.  I have used a couple of my own stamps I made.  Also, I have used one of my older art journal portraits and added a coloiring book small mandala on her forehead.  

On page 14, I had added some more Coloring Book  pages, some collaging for unity of color, and another portrait I did in an earlier art journal.  How very much I learned as I researched the Norse ways of old knowing. 

On page 15 of MyStory, I have done some collaging and, again added another art journal portrait.  I begin to make more of The Crone Goddess and have researched more about Elle.  

Because I believe, and have had it proven to me, time and time again, in my own life, and professionally, we carry inherited knowledge.  I almost feel like it is my responsibility to know more about that deepest part of myself.  

What do you know from whence you came?  Are you willing to research and know?  What do we do with that knowledge when we find it?  I know that I let it guide me many many times.  I will come back to these pages over and over through my last years.  I will add to pages.  And, of course, I will begin more books as needed.  To go through my book is to have a more deeper understanding of who I am, who I wa, who I may be, for those who wish to know once I am gone.  I am leaving a legacy.

Join with me.  I can help walk you through it all.

© Carol Desjarlais 11/26/18


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