Friday, November 23, 2018

MyStory pages for December - Calm and Chaos

For these two pages, I wanted to show a comparison between the calm and peace and introspection of Mary and on the other page to show the chaos of what her travail had to be. 
I adore this painting I did a while ago and have chosen her to be on December page because I see the emotion there that IMHO would have been.  I have written a poem it is totally my feelings and my opinion and I in no way am denigrating her.  The mothering heart of mine simply chooses to feel a type of almost outrage FOR her.

On the next page you see where I have tucked a poem I have written from my own hurt place.

Chosen Sign

it matters not how she became     she became     they say
a girl     she was     barely into menses     if at all
Gabriel     Joseph     such turmoil tossed   
nothing more than a waif to be bartered
as was custom     damned sacrifice    she taught him well
how to be chosen

widow had to take second best     I am sure
saving her from despise     probably stoning
now she owed him    sand and grit  backbone
of desert and donkey    always less than
some slaughtered sign     she was chosen for

her parents decided their daughter was holy      who has not
decided to keep her well reined until her lamp was lit
and some old man kissed her in welcome
led her    not like any other burden    along with young friends
who should have been whispering little girl secrets
into little doll's ears     it could have been done differently
but men needed some kind of miracle
someone decided she was to be The Chosen One

was contempt not enough     was months of travail
only to be offered a cave      where     to curl into her creation
fraught with first baby birthing     pain enough to sense forgiveness
which would never come     ever sensing some cross to bear
hers     and his      she was chosen for this

oh     how men chose to make something more of all this
barely mentioning her name    less     her trouble
they saw light     but were confused      heard birds still
but were afraid     sudden appearance of camels and kings
of angels and animals     gifts and glory    bespoke men
who gathered      where were her sisters      where were mothers
where were aunties     where were grandmothers
such an innocent child    both      compelled to be chosen

kneeling in her confinement    tending inner gardens
knotted garments     awaiting some male they could chose
to tie himself to her  oh     chaste not by choice
but by demand for the story to be the story     chosen

except there was little more than a chuffing of sand
described     that defined her     all the little details
deemed unnecessary for history to know and recall
ah     but she was fruitful     she would bear him in birth
bear his death  and then passed on to another man
to keep her in line     with the tale    tall on woe

more than one miracle was needed     Elizabeth     they say
womb as withered as last year's fruit     called her to come
load more donkeys      enquire of escorts to aid her
to meet another favored female     both favors
to be recalled at a whim that kept some supernatural story going
about being chosen

yes      in sorrow was he borne and born     she waiting on his first
breath     his last    oh      in a man's world
that gives rise to hymns and statues
but know little of her truths     was she fair     was she stocky
was she led like lamb to a slaughter too
of course she was     little sister      little daughter kept like calves
are kept for veal at a rich men's supper     chosen

©Carol Desjarlais 11.22.18

I have two gift symbols that open up to show symbols and numbers and the moon phase and date, that go along with December's page.

I have used a piece of round magnet to keep the one closed.

I have also used some stamps, the tree and the woman stamp, that I made myself out of craft foam.  The word December is made of pressed cardboard letters that I painted red.  The little balls on the tree were made of little round sticky circles.  The feather symbols are also stamped. 
Again, I have left areas to write on later.


  1. How beautiful, and sorrowful, also. Yes, we cannot really know of her pain and her travail. I wish there was more written about her journey.

  2. Yes, me too! She is only mention, as if in passing, something exterior to all that happened.
