Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Native Addiction Awareness Week

"Where is my beautiful girl... gone girl!"

Few of us have been spared the complications of Addictions in our family and friends.  It is a horrible affliction.  Grandparents are involved.  Parents are involved.  Siblings are involved.  Friends are involved.  Culture is involved.  We need to educate ourselves on what the Addictive qualities are.  Understanding and being informed can help alleviate the grief, the anger, the indecisions.  We have a long way to go to truly understand it all.

There is a great deal of controversy about whether addiction is a mental disease or biological factors.  It is a known fact that use changes the brain so that it needs whatever the drug or alcohol.  If we think it is a disease, we have to admit that it was a choice to use.  Then, over time, there are neurobiological changes so that the brain adapts to need to function:  Cravings, distress and relapse.  It is then that choice is overridden and willpower to change gets more and more difficult.

We see generations after generation making that first move into addiction.  They say genes represent 50% of addiction.  That is a scary thing.  We have to safeguard our children, our next generation.  We have to find ways to give them euphoria and joy in healthy ways so that they do not need altered emotions.  I have long said, to clients, groups, classes, that they need to feel emotions in the raw and real in order to stay real.  I have heard many addicts say they want to remove the masks that come from addiction but they do not know who the real person is under it all.  Some have said they have to hurt others so that they get hurt back because it is the only emotion left that they feel.  That is terrifying and many of us have experienced that.

Through my career, and all the paper behind my qualifications,a nd my mothering an addict,  I learned some things:

Their addiction causes stress on addict and all those around him/her. They have poor sleeping habits and will call or visit at strange times in the night.  They tend to be physically inactive and not eat healthily.  They, very often, are involved in physical violence and can also be involved in sexual abuse.  If we are aware, there is often family violence they begin or exacerbate. 

Because they have so much going on because of the drive to get addicted, they do not have time to think things through.  They can be impulsive and resistant more than is common.  There problem-solving skills get worse and worse.  They tend to be drop-outs in education.  They are passive learners in that they will resist any new educational ideas.  They resist those who have higher education.  They will deride those that have higher education.  They tend to believe conspiracies.  They tend to have poor planning skills.  They fear choices.

Most addicts have unresolved grief issues.  They have low self-esteem and will either show too much bravado or are too passive and are blocked.  When they show emotion it is typically overwhelming to them so they tend to have little gray area between emotions.  They feel overwhelming shame although, again, will cover with bravado or are evidently depressed because of it.  Because they are not honest with their emotions, they tend to be dishonest.  The do not trust other people, places and things.  They just are not connected to their feelings.  They tend to focus on past failings and perceived past failings of others.  

Because anger is the easiest emotion to show, they will tend to be angry at God.  They can be confused about the differences of religion and spirituality.  They tend to be culturally unaware.  They do not feel worthy.  The hugest th8ung of all is that they know fear of so many different kinds.

They are easily led to the things that keep them addicted.  They are drawn to addictive relationships.  They may seek strong partners but then tend to attempt to tear them down:  Co-dependency traits. They tend to be egocentric and lack social skills as they advance more and more into their addiction.  Their ability to communicate also becomes more and more self-centered. Bit by bit they lose their social supports and are more and more alienated and become fringe people.

So, what can we do with those loved ones who spiral out and away from us?  

It took me some years and lots of education, but I learned I had to tough love it.  I had to learn to let go and let them make their choices.  I could not save any of them.  That is Creator's job, not mine.  I raised seven children.  My middle one has broken my heart.  I wait for the phone call that tells me she has been killed on the streets.  I cannot chase her.  Once a run-away and you chase after them, it can become a syndrome as well.  I had to let her have her own way.  I had to set really strong boundaries and it nearly killed me to make sure I stuck with it.  She has drawn away further and further.  I could no longer enable her.  She gave away her six children for drugs and alcohol.  She has had treatment after treatment.  I stood, and will always stand up for her, when she is clean and sober.  She knows that I love her but cannot love her addiction.  She knows I will come at the first call but also has had to earn she could not phone me drunk or high.  I saw her, two years ago.  She could not go fifteen minutes without smoking crack downstairs.  She finally brought it upstairs and said I might as well see what she does.  I stayed until she became her angry, illogical, self, left my new number and said to call me when she could be clean.  I wept.  She wept.  But, I could do no more.  I keep track of her through her oldest son and through her ex-husband who has raised the kids.  I keep track of her through my youngest daughter who runs into her maternal relatives now and again.  I ache for her so often.  I am sure she aches for me as well.  Funny I could help others save themselves, but not her.  That is the way of it.  She has different genes than I do.  She was a gift to me from her maternal grandmother and my friend.  She is still my gift.  She taught me about tough love and boy does that one hurt.  Sometimes they have to save themselves before we can ever support them again.  She has taught me about a mother's heartbreak in a whole other way.  I continue to wait for her call or for that alternative that will crucify me.

May Creator watch over them and the way they choose to live.


©Carol Desjarlais 11.27.18

Brave On

I had no idea that the Fountain of Youth would be the toilet bowl...at 3 am.  -CD

There is always someone who will negate your reality.  We all see those posts about
'being positive', mind over matter', about you being only as old as you think you are'.  These are people you really want to stay away from, methinks.  They are rowing their Boat of Life on the river of De-Nial.  They are the ones who will negate pretty much anyone else's desperations of any dire kind.  One dang thing for sure, growing older is not for sissies.

I have learned to multi-task a whole new way.  I find one or two things I can do at a time, and for convenience sakes, sit on bed and put shoes on and dust the night table same time.  I am getting good at that kind of multitasking.  I can sit on toilet and clean tub...same time... whoo hoo! 

I try to avoid being looked at as old.  For instance, it used to be the joke that old people always drive with hands at 10 and 2 on wheel.  I never drive with hands at 10 or 2 when someone is passing me.  And, when someone blithely says, "Oh, age is just a number," I say ( completely under my breath, of course) "...and Titanic was just a boat and wars are just a slight misunderstanding." 

And, I really think people who say, "Oh to be 16,20,40,60....again!"  Are you out of your minds?  Go through all that again?  Never.

As well, I used to worry about being a burden on my family as an age.  Now, I just want to be a nuisance.  Heck, I can blame my age.

And, for those who blather on about age just being a number.. yeah, I wish I could do number 2 most days.

Look, age is not for sissies, but it is a great time to try and have a sense of humor.  Our jokes are really not jokes at all.  We are laughing at ourselves.  Our life becomes a rat race of hurdles to jump and obstacles ahead to make sure we take note of.  I used to scream about stepping on legos in my bare feet.  Now, every step feels like legos.  I try not to grimace too much.

There are going to be so many times that are not funny, never will be, and I am not willing to try to turn them into something funny.  Some days are bearable.  It can be damned scary.  I am pretty serious about watching cracks in the sidewalk, not to turn to quickly because I can pirouette on a dime.  I congratulate myself when, after a fantastic fall, I get up and realize I never broke anything.  That's a good day.

We are brave souls.  We know we are in our declining and reclining years.  You cannot believe what a quick catnap can do for you.  I am aware of trying not to say "Pardon me, what?"  too often.  I can honestly say, if you hear I am driving at night, take another route.  I am scared, you ought to be. 

This is not a fairy tale.  You cannot reject or object that I am hurting a great deal of the time.. and it is in places I never knew I had.  I used to be able to reach in the back of the car and poke a bottle in the mouth of a crying baby.  Can't reach back there and get my purse, now, without getting a Charlie horse in my side.. not even where muscles are that I know of. 

Somehow we need to prepare for old age.  Yes, I do!  I, purposefully, will not turn the lights on in the hall when I am going to the bedroom to sleep.  I am practicing what it might be like when my eyesight completely dims.  Not kidding.  I do.  And, I am pretty good at it. 

OMG, I do not know how many times I pull out my pill bottles and load up my weekly night and day little spaces because one day there will be two pills, a Vitamin B12, and two Senecot S.  And, the next night there might be only two and I know it's wrong so I have to redo again.  And, picking up dropped pills, if I even notice, with neuropathic hands is a real joy.  Try picking up pickup sticks with gloves on.

Oh, and stuff you can never do again.  That's choice.  The other morning, I used my leg to kick my covers up and off. Well, after screaming in pain, I have spent two weeks not being able to lift my leg up, at the hip, to put my danged shoe on that leg.  Just sayin'

I used to laugh at being able to outdo my brain-injured student with my triple gainers.  Well, he ought to see me now.  I cannot bend over and be safe from continuing on over.  Balance is a big deal.  When I was in Maine, I had this marvelous natural rock garden.  Huge stones made a semicircle.  Well, I am out there, on top of the topmost rock and I lose my balance.  When I hit the wall of the house, 20 feet away, I had to be going 30 miles an hour.  Yeah.  It is worse now. 

Yes, we have to admit and then practice being a little more careful with ourselves.  To hop skip and jump around is pure gereatricide.  Yeah, pretty sure that is a word.  We need to safe proof our houses a bit.  We need to accept that what used to be adventure can now be life threatening.  Yes, do not dive into a powerful river and swim out to get daughter's fishhook and then barely live to make it to shore. We can laugh and say we were once beautiful disasters.  Well, now it can be danged true. 

Most of us have spent a lifetime of "I can do it myself" and it takes a few knocks on the head before we admit we cannot.  There is coming a time when we have to ask for help.  Hopefully we have not pushed them all off. 

It is absolutely normal for our body to wear out, for our mind to dim some, our hearts to hurt, and our spirits to long for some peace.  No, we are not totally fragile.  Yes, we will do what we want to do, even if it kills us, most times.  We should not deceive ourselves into thinking we are not every bit as old as we are.  I am 71 and I have learned some of my limitations.  My father said I never would learn from other's mistakes.  Yes, I am still in that place a bit. 

Being kind to ourselves means that we accept that we cannot do what our inner child, maiden, younger woman could.  Being kind to ourselves means , by all means, do not give up because there are some magnificent things to happen yet.  Be kind to yourself because our jobs are done and we have higher purposes now.  Being kind to ourselves is to make sure we have things we CAN do when we have to give up doing something else.  Now we have time to give uninterrupted love.  Now is time to walk , or run, if you can, for pleasure.  Now is the time to stop worrying and fussing over past crap because some real crap this way comes.  Now is the time to develop spiritually.  Again, this is going to take a whole new kind of courage.  Brave on sisters, brave on!
©Carol Desjarlais 11.27.18

Monday, November 26, 2018

MyStory - Paternal Nordic Origins

I am adding some repeat of when I began my MyStory.  It is a large (20 x 12 ") Mixed media pad with hard cover.  It is much like a Grimoire, but I am not doing that, I am documenting some things about me, about my life, about who I am, about the things I am interested in.  You can go through some earlier blog posts and find more about my pages and how I am organizing them.

Here are some ideas about what you can put in your book:

Specific Things to include in your story

- Basic Symbols
-Physical Symbols (Book, Drilbu, Tombstone etc.)
-Magic Circles
-Amulets and Talismans
-Languages and Alphabets (Runes, Theban Script, Kanji, Egyptian Hieroglyphs etc.)
- Magical Tools (Grimoire, Ritual Knife, Incense, Crystal Ball, Special Clothes, Dream Catchers, Cancels, Altars etc.)
-Numbers and Number Systems
-Sacred Geometry
-Philosophical Texts

-Different Religions and their Mythology
-Mythical Beings (Angels, Fae, Unicorns etc.)
-God Pantheons
-Creation Myths
-Interesting People which inspire you
-Secret Societies
-Lore and Legends that you like
- Cartomancy (Cards and Tarot)
-Radiesthesia (Dowsing, Pendulum etc.)
-Arithmancy and Numeralogy
- Biorythms
- Runes
-I Ching
- Geomancy
- Palmistry

-Natural Phenomenons and Catastrophes
-Plants, Trees, Herbs, Spices etc.

-Animals (Fauna)
-Herbalism (Preparation of Herbs, Potions, Infusions, Baths, Teas, Cosmetics, Perfumes etc.)
-Natural Medicine (Salves etc.
-Parapsychology (Telekinesis, Telepathy etc.)
-Diffrent Types, Practices and Traditions of healing   Shamanism, Kabbalah, Mysticism, Gnosticism,
-Dreams and Lucid Dreams
-Invocations and Envocations
- Spirit Guides
-Auras and Chakras
-Your Favorite Books

The list is endless.  The way you might organize your book is endless.  Right now, I am on pages 13 - 15 where I am exploring the mythologist and goddesses  of my Norse DNA background.  (Remember, I am truly focused on the feminine in all I do and I have studied the goddesses for years so I might know and keep remembering who they are so we do not lose their value and honor in our own lives).  Since I have done my DNA testing on my paternal side, especially, for all we have had was my full brother and I and our children, and a name of our father, and have not been able to follow back any further.  So,, although it is a huge leap, I am researching my connections to the Norse cultures and ways of spiritual living.  Do you know your two most basic lineages?  Well, this is how I am expressing that on these three pages.

I have done some string art on the first page and added washi tape.  I have used a couple of my own stamps I made.  Also, I have used one of my older art journal portraits and added a coloiring book small mandala on her forehead.  

On page 14, I had added some more Coloring Book  pages, some collaging for unity of color, and another portrait I did in an earlier art journal.  How very much I learned as I researched the Norse ways of old knowing. 

On page 15 of MyStory, I have done some collaging and, again added another art journal portrait.  I begin to make more of The Crone Goddess and have researched more about Elle.  

Because I believe, and have had it proven to me, time and time again, in my own life, and professionally, we carry inherited knowledge.  I almost feel like it is my responsibility to know more about that deepest part of myself.  

What do you know from whence you came?  Are you willing to research and know?  What do we do with that knowledge when we find it?  I know that I let it guide me many many times.  I will come back to these pages over and over through my last years.  I will add to pages.  And, of course, I will begin more books as needed.  To go through my book is to have a more deeper understanding of who I am, who I wa, who I may be, for those who wish to know once I am gone.  I am leaving a legacy.

Join with me.  I can help walk you through it all.

© Carol Desjarlais 11/26/18