Thursday, August 29, 2024

Prayer and Meditation With Sage Smudge



This is what I have been taught:

So many different nations are using sacred medicines, but, perhaps, in the wrong way.  While using our medicines as simple incense is really appropriation.  It can be used if you use it the right way. 

The sage must be gathered in a certain way.  Offerings must be given.  If you buy it, it means that you must smudge it all first before it is used, praying hard to bless it and given honor to Creator and Mother Earth for such medicine. Then you express gratitude for it, for the hands that picked it, and ask that it favor you with what blessing you need from it.  You do not walk away from it until it is completely burned.  At the end, give thanks, again, and end with a closing phrase.  Some say “Hii hii”, some say” aho’, or some closure in their language, some place their right hand over their heart and give silent closure.  The ashes are taken out to Mother earth and another prayer of thanks and the smudge ashes are placed in Mother Earth. 

Smudging has a certain way to be started and used the appropriate way.  Only use as much sage as you can roll into a ball shape or a clutch of sage plant gathered and wound with thread, etc.  A pinch of sage is taken from the ball-shape and offered to the four directions, above and below, with prayer of gratitude to Creator and Mother Earth for the medicine and light with a match (not lighter) or ember from a fire.  Then it can be lit.  Never blow on the smudge.  Use a feather to fan the embers started in the sage.  Remembering every moment that, when you smudge, you are communing with Creator and it is very very sacred. 

One uses the sage to give a ritualistic body wash of smoke.  Again, different tribes may do it a different way.  I was taught to wash myself in smoke from top of head to feet, including underneath the feet.  The smudge is then drawn to the eyes that they might see what they should see, to the nose that one might sense what one must sense, smudge drawn to the mouth that one might speak the words that must be spoken, the smudge is drawn to the ears that one might hear what one must hear, and then smoke is drawn to the heart and a closing phrase. 

Educate yourself in the use of sage and the best way to do that is to ask an elder how they would suggest you use it.  Remember to give an offering of tobacco to the Elder before you ask any question.

Once you start the smudge, surrender to the process and your heart and soul will help you know what to say and ask.  There is no negativity around the smudge.  Be kind, compassionate, and loving towards yourself. As you sit before the smudge, after gratitude to all things, be absolutely Present and simply be at one with the smudge, in deep mediation.  Once the smudge is out, on its own, you can close.  The smudge must be taken, as I have said, out and given back to Mother Earth with the same prayerful way as I said about collecting it.  It is a sacred activity and you come out of the smudging in a sacred way.

The ritual is sacred and aged as smudge was done since the beginning of time. It was used to bless, to seek solace, to strengthen relationships in a truly sacred way.  Being in the smudge is being in a place of healing and renewal where the chattering inside your head is soothed and quietened.  It is truth that sage has antibacterial properties that can keep infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi away.  It is cleansing; body, mind, heart and soul.  Sage smudge has been used to clear spirit and heighten intuition.  It cleanses and it heals.  It helps to clear negativity around childhood trauma, unpleasant experiences and clear negative energies of people or things around you. 

Many of us use smudge to cleanse things we bring into our home such as second-hand things or new tools, such as that I smudge my canvases or papers or objects I am going to work with when I am doing a painting or creation that I consider sacred. 

Many of us smudge to cleanse our emotions, to remove stresses and anxiety, change negative moods, and eliminate pain.  It can clarify thoughts when we are unsure of something.  It can help with our sleeping habits that keep us from getting restorative rest. 

The tools you need for burning sage are a sage bundle or loose sage you can scrunch into a ball shape. A natural bowl.  In other words, a clay saucer, a shell, something natural to hold the burning smudge and ashes.  Matches.  Feather(s) to fan the smudge with to create smoke.  Any type of sage or sage bundle. 

For cleansing self, do it privately.  To cleanse a house, smoke windows doors, etc., as well.    Make sure you leave a window open or a door cracked to let smoke, and what it carries, out.   Walk with smoking smudge and walk clockwise through house.  Some tribes do walk counterclockwise.  Do as you intuit.  If cleansing an object, completely smoke the whole object. 

After the smudge is done, make sure it is completely out…do not use water or blow on it to make it go out...let it finish on its own.  If using a bundle, daub it on the container to make sure it is completely out.  Make sure everything is out before you store the sage in a dry place.  Take the ashes out and give it back to Mother Earth, and give an offering of gratitude. 

Smudging is a ritual, a ceremony, sacred.  Treat it with utmost respect.   It will bless you, yours and your things, if done properly. 

©Carol Desjarlais 8.26.24



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