Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Ground Hog Cleans House



“Purification”, is what the word comes from, in Latin. 

This is the month of cleansing, everything about ourselves and things, and places around us.  Excitement builds as snows recede and, those of us desperate for Spring, will begin to feel it right in our bones.  Ring the bells.  Open up your windows and curtains and doors, and let Spring cleanse your house. This also cleanses our soul.  Bless everything you can, with Rose water or moon water. 

Today is Groundhog Day.  Did he see his shadow?  If he sees his shadow, it is clear weather and 6 more weeks of winter.  If he does not see his shadow then spring will arrive early.  He better have Not seen his shadow, that varmint.  Sunny – shadow – late spring.  Cloudy, no shadow – spring early. 

Michelle Jean told me a forecast prediction I had not heard of:  Celts celebrated ‘La Fheill Brighde’ on February 1, the day that an old hag would rouse herself from her winter shack to stock up on firewood to last the rest of the winter. If the weather was pleasant on February 1, the hag could gather lots of firewood that would last a long time, meaning that spring was far off. However, if the weather on February 1 was snowy, stormy, and cold, the hag wouldn’t be able to gather as much wood, so winter would end sooner. People in Ireland and Scotland still hope for bad weather meaning an early spring. 

We have moved into Cancer and it is time to find your seeds and start warming up pots of soil.  Paint roses and roses and roses. 

Prepare yourself for some serious yearning.  You may find some of your intentions did not take hold last Full Moon.  Do not despair, what we yearn for, we find a way to have happen, or we find detours, or even substitutes.  If we cannot, simply can not, accomplish it, do not yearn.  Find something else that deserves your passion.

Focus on that first Robin that sits on upmost trees and sings Spring into being. 

Restore and replenish your energy.  Burn some orchid incense Make some peppery food for today and hope it is Spring soon   I will keep searching until I find something that goes along with my need for early Spring… here chickens!  Here something! 

©Carol Desjarlais 2.2.23


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