Saturday, February 4, 2023

Sehnsucht: A Dynamic Duo



The colour is gray, the flower the magnolia.  The theme, today, is all about yearning.  We pine.  We chafe.  We ache and covet.  We crave.  We hunger.  We will reside, today, in a state of Sehnsucht (longing, desiring, in German.)  Yearning has to be experiencing one thing, emotionally, but wishing to be in another.  Yearning is a deeply personal, inner thing.  Wanting is an external thing.  When we yearn for something, we keep it quiet, typically, and, since we were taught to ignore yearning, we try to push it back from our consciousness and try to abandon it.  It becomes an abandoned child in the recesses of our soul.

As Cancer moves into Leo, you will feel really strong opposites.  Cancer is sensitive and Leo is strong and fiery.  You will be full of two kinds of energy.  Cancer is nostalgic and Leo is all about a yearning Inner Child.

You will sense that you are both withdrawn and out loud.  Be sure not to let Leo’s defensiveness and aggressiveness overstep its bounds and accept, like Cancer, that things are as they ae, people are as they are, places are as they are.  Leo will want to do it all, see it all, experience it all and the Cancer will be in the background saying, “Careful, careful, there should be balance.”

Women tend to yearn, right from their very womb.  As we are moving into our intentions for 2023, we could, probably, take the word, or words, we chose as intentions, and find that they belong in a space of yearning in our very soul. 

We constantly battle with life and spiritual alignment, deeply within and our spirits long for things we have not even named.  With yearning, I found, it is not a hurting longing.  It seems that yearning is a warm, compassionate thing.  I know that I yearn for being more full of grace and dignity.  Sometimes there is a sad longing, though, when it comes to joy and, sometimes, peace.  I think that the sad longing is to do with wishes and desires that are external.

Do you feel internal longings?  Can you express that?


©Carol Desjarlais 2.4.23


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