Wednesday, February 1, 2023




Imbolc is celebrated, dawn, of February 1 –sundown, February 2.  It is a Celtic celebration (Ireland and Scotland) .  The goddess of Imbolc is Brigid.  Imbolc is halfway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.  The river Braint, in Anglesey, is said to have sprung from Brigid’s tears.  The snowdrop and crocus are her flowers.  The tradition predates Christian era and the ceremonies held are all about the breeding of sheep and the beginning of lactation.  White, orange and red are predominant colors of Imbolc.  She celebrates midwifery in every connation of the term.  White, yellow and bright bright green candles were lit.

Brigid symbolized her blessings of fertility, of poetry, or crafts and prophesy.  Her main celebrants were poets of the time.  It was also a time that Crone’s taught the maidens.

How grateful we have been, all down history, of the return of more sun, warming sun, coaxing and encouraging sunlight.  The crocuses peek up through crust of dying snow.  How wonderful it was to hike to the top of the hill and find the crocuses and buffalo beans.  One cannot escape wonder and ecstasy at returning of the green.

It is a time to go out and find the wonders of almost spring.  Torches and fires should be lit.  Maidens in some cultures wore crowns of lit candles.  The night of Imbolc, every window in the house was lit with light.  Some lit old fashioned lanterns with red chimneys.  I saw a lot of the lights in the windows when in Maine.  In part the story was to light the way home to the fishermen, but I had a sense that this was a substitute for the lights of Imbolc.  I, too, lit every window in the house.

It is a time of feast because many cultures ate up most of what was left from fall harvest.  There was lots of cheeses and creams, even sour creams.  Lots of spicy food were served.  Lots of curries were made.  Spiced wines and lots of dishes used raisins where they were available. 

Imbolc is a great time to look to the future.  Feast. Be grateful. 

©Carol Desjarlais 2.1.23


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