Sunday, February 26, 2023

Gemini –Curiosity



“The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity.” – Albert Einstein

Taurus moves into Gemini and we become more curious (and curiouser).  Everything that has been invented is because someone got curious.  Right now, coming out of the pandemic, coming to the end of Winter but ‘not quite Spring’, days can seem long and we have an inner energy ebb.  We have become, I think, passive.  Some of us sense a level of depression; dark days gloom and doom, needy about something but not sure what; no sense of expectations; no great ideas; just a numb sense of i-want-too-but-don’t-know-what’.  Some of us miss color.  Some of us miss green.  No energy to look past the thought that today is like yesterday, exactly.  No excitement.  Nothing to be passionate about.  And suddenly appears Gemini and the associated goddess Hebe.

Hebe is the goddess of youth and what better goddess for curiosity could there be?  And Gemini is all for the fun in life.  Hebe, a Greek goddess is the “Gladdening Goddess”.  She evolves from being a child, a youth, an innocence of childhood where drams and schemes of magic and fantasy reside.  She represents the triple goddess of Maiden, Mother, and Crone.  Without curiosity, how do we explore, take risks, and grow?

It takes an open mind to be curious so we can learn, unlearn and relearn.  An open mind means that you are aware that there is more to life, always more to life.   Like children, we have to ask questions, deep questions, about what, where, when, why, how, so that we get to know more depth to life.  Life is all about possibilities and we must seek and seek and never stop wondering because that is how we evolve. 

I have always said that I am a lifelong learner.  I am interested in life, in people, in places, in things.  I try to look at the why of behaviors, of people’s actions.  It is, in part, what made my career so successful.   I never took things at face value. 

I love to research.  I love to blog about things I think about because it clarifies my intentions better.  I tend to have a great deal of things on the go.  I am passionate about things, for the most part.  As long as I am healthy in all quadrants of my own Medicine Wheel of my life, I am excited and adventurous.  And I am not a black and white person.  I tend to be positive and give everyone the benefit of doubt, and three chances. 

Explore.  Do not judge.  Seek the why, where, when, how of things.  Take care of that magical child within.  Be eternally curious.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.26.23


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