Sunday, February 5, 2023

Snow Moon




"The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size."-Gertrude S. Wister

An unfavorable Leo stumbles into full light of the Snow Moon.  Everything is gold, the color of this day.  You will feel a rise in creative desires, and passions will be high with enthusiasm.  Be, make sure you understand that, below this enthusiasm, there is something beginning to scroll upwards.  It is still a hungry moon that fully shines in the star-sprinkled sky.  Reserves are used up, though, so we might be called to drag from our depths, that last bit of pride and courage and comfort our need for warmth and compassion.  We are impatient.   We want big changes and forget that big changes always come from small, seemingly unnoticed bits and pieces of changes. 

Beneath the dirty crust of dying winter, Spring is at work.  Bulbs are starting to push through the half-frozen soil.  Tips of trees are starting with small buds.  Our daylight is shining longer.  And there is drama.  We must be prepared for drama within, as well. 

It is full moon and we are releasing.  Things are ending.  Leo’s influence will be in charge and she is no easy task-master, for herself, not necessarily for the way we wish things were.   We will begin to want to passionately express ourselves in creative ways.  We learn to share our expressions more effectively.  Expect some tough discussions as we are still under the influence of Aquarius this year.    Our needs will come spiking up through the long winter nights and days.  Seek balance amidst this all.

It was a February 5th when Pompeii took the hit from a famous earthquake. 

Bring out an amethyst and/or an aquamarine stone for courage and clarity for control of your throat in order for you to express yourself appropriately.  Do what you can to deal with the emotional charging.  Find some violets for loyalty and faithfulness to self and place the flowers where you can see them all day.  As well, the tree of today is cedar or pine.  This will help you deal with the drama surrounding you.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.5.23

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