Thursday, February 23, 2023

Katyayani : Being Courageous and Brave



Aries enters Taurus and we come under the influence of Katyayani, a Hindu goddess, as far as I can tell.  Lord Brahma and Shiva combined their energy to create Katyayani to be the one to destroy evil.  While she destroys evil, she is mainly known for peace and intelligence and can wash away sins from negative forces that have happened to them.  She is said to warn people of difficulty coming to them.  She is not known for her own evil but is well aware of evil in the world and fights it.

She is honored by remembering to be courageous and to be the giver of strength.  As well, on the day of her celebration, the devotees bathe and make sure to put on clean clothes.  She is given an offering of honey.  Fresh flowers, mainly roses, are put on her altar.  Her favorite is the lotus.  The lotus is symbolic of something growing from mud without staining its beautiful coral color and sink to the muddy water during the night and rise every morning in perfect condition.  Yes, the lotus symbolizes her best and she s often depicted with a lotus blossom in her hands.  Katyayani influences us to be pure of heart, to rise from evils, and to be courageous and bold.  We, too, with her help can rise from difficulties.

Between giving honor to Katyayani and Aries and Taurus, we amplify our ability to lead good lives and doing the right thing, stand up for the right things, today.  All can be stubborn, so watch yourself that you are not stubborn, but are bold in all the right ways.  (**btw, you may feel a sense of a sore throat today and tomorrow.  Taurus rules the throat, thyroid, and neck)

Remember to laugh and not to ‘sweat the petty stuff’.  You will feel very independent and well aware we can all take care of ourselves without support.  While laughing and joking, do not be sarcastic and hurt the sensitivities of family or friends around you.  Measure your words and tone and connotations so you do not have some hidden agenda.  Being bold means that you have to be dealing with discomfort. Being bold means you must tell your truths.  Being bold mean you know what you stand up for.  Being bold means you can say NO without guilt and being bold means you can soothe conflict within and without. 

I need work on all these things and willingly adapt to make even the smallest of progress.  I honor the ability to feel like I must do better, to change, to rejuvenate and to walk my talk.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.24.23



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