Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Weeping Buddha




"There were two warriors who confronted each other in numerous battles. Both of them wore masks and never saw each other's face. After many such encounters the older warrior killed the younger one. Upon removing his mask he discovered he had killed his own long lost son. The weeping buddha is the warrior filled with sorrow. By touching the back of the buddha one is supposed to pass all of his sorrow on to the weeping buddha, thus making life a little better." – the 9th Chakra

People will obtain a weeping Buddha and use it when meditating or when in travail.  It is said, if you rub the back of a weeping Buddha, you can gain comfort as he takes in your pain.  It is said, you can give your fears, your worries, your hurt and pain to the Buddha whose very being is to take the pain in the world unto himself.  He never wanted anyone to ever, again, feel the sorrow he did. 

I painted him with this in mind.  I will frame it and it will sit at my altar when I need comfort. 



©Carol Desjarlais 8.19.20



1 comment:

  1. Your painting The Weeping Buddha, you have captured the idea so well Carol.
