Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lammas Stick Man Ceremony




Lammas’ Wickerman is a large wicker man shape used by Druids to burn in effigy.  Usually an effigy, now, in modern times is burned with intention for ridding oneself of bad habits that show ingratitude or selfishness.  You weave a man shape out of whatever sticks you have available.  I used cedar as that is all I had close by and available.  I used twine cording to wrap the sticks into shape.  I tuck in my intentions to change such things on small notes of paper.  The symbolic burning of these intentions for change to being a more grateful and holistic person is a personal Lammas ceremony. 

Lammas is a time of sacrifice by the grains and produce we harvest so that we kill the plant, yet, it will rise again in breads and foodstuffs we use the plants for.  Our garden sacrifices itself for us.  It all deserves our gratitude. 

This month is the time to share our abundance.  During Lammas, the first fruits, grains, vegetables are shared as our abundance will continue.  Our work comes to fruition.  We acknowledge this abundance so that the elements on the White goddess will see our good manners and know our gratitude…and our sacrifices in order for us to have what we have. 

As we fill our wickerman with our intentions, we are, again, making an offering.  In burning the wickerman filled with our intentions we are symbolically dismembering; we are letting our intentions die in the fire we put it in.  Then, we remember, through sacrifice, to keep the promise of renewal we are offered.  If this sounds a great deal like Lent, it is the same concept in many ways.  It is also like New Year’s resolutions.  We let die those habits that keep us vain, our busyness that keeps us from remembering to be grateful, we are letting go of those characteristics that do not benefit all.  We will remember to be grateful for all things and recognize that all we have represents sacrifice of something.  Without the Mother Before Mother, we would have nothing. 

I will do this ceremony with a friend who is visiting.  She knows nothing of her culture and traditions and this will give her an opportunity to let go of things, as well.  I will so enjoy the abundance of living in the fruit basket of Canada.  I share whatever I have.

More ideas for ceremony:

©Carol Desjarlais 8.15.20



  1. That sounds very cleansing. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. We will burn the stickman, perhaps, this evening. I have company and we have been bone tired from our adventures so we have not had a fire yet.
