Sunday, August 23, 2020

Stickman Activity For Releasing




“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” ~Mahatma Gandhi~


It takes empathy to let go of Ego long enough to simply let people, Places, things, go.  Use the energy it takes to hold a grudge, to learn the lesson and let go.  If it takes total letting go of someone, then be kind to yourself and do so.  It is freeing to lay that burden down. 

This activity is a great symbolic activity of letting go, of releasing. 

It does not matter how big you make your stickman.  It may be tiny enough to burn in a small ashtray or container.  You make the stickman the size that will safely burn where you are.  I have a large patio and a nice fire pit.  My stickman is large enough to fill the pit.

I used cedar boughs to make my stickman, and used natural hemp string to wrap and shape the boughs into a man.


I let the stickman sit a few days to dry, then tucked in phrases and words of things I wish to let go of.  I smudged him and prayed that I would have help to release those things I need to release.


As it burned, I meditated and prayed for strength.


Let it, them, that go, sisterfriends.  You do not need that ball and chain (balls and chains) dragging you down with every step you make.  Heal and hurry to catch up on things you missed while you were focusing on a grudge. xo

©Carol Desjarlais 8/23/20


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