Saturday, October 27, 2018

Oct 27 - Rising Above Toxic People In Your Family

It is full moon and the toxins are rising..and I have an angry, heartbroken, daughter.

It is easy to say we walk away from toxic people, but, once they get their hooks in you, it is difficult to withdraw, especially if they are family and were/are best friends.  Family can be the hardest hook of all.  It becomes all the more complicated because family is intimate and we tend to give second chances to them.  It, also, becomes a net where everyone in the family gets dragged into the complications.  It, as I said, is very complicated and full of a great many family hidden things.  How do we deal with it?

First of all, it is not ALL about you.  It is difficult, but try not to take their sickness to heart.  With family, you will feel both responsible and attacked at the same time ( think abusive relationships).  Try to get to your own understanding of why that family member is the way he/she is.  If you look deep enough, you will understand his/her anger and hurt that he/she projects on to you. You will feel guilty for walking away, but, sometimes they give you no other choice.  Stand your ground for your own sanity.  Then, simply turn away and try not to interact with them any more than absolutely necessary.  Keep in mind, this business affects everyone in the family.  The family knows him/her as well as you do.  Show them you really are above all this.

Secondly, do not try to fix things for this person.  After so many tries, you come to realize that they are who they are and most people come to know them for who they are for their whole lives will project their hurt and anger and will have been benefactor of their toxicity/ meanness.  They need to fix themselves and, perhaps, they are not ready to accept their own truths.  Leave that to that person and his/her own path to healing.  Sometimes you just have to say to yourself that that person is who he/she always has been and accept that they choose not to be in your life.  Perhaps they are so toxic that they cannot change.  Expect nothing less from them.

Do not allow them in your space if history repeats itself over and over.  I remember telling my kids that we could talk about anything except their father or religion, otherwise, it is all fair to talk about.  I simply could not be hurt by him and that religion ever again.  Deflect topics that would drag you into their drama or simply carry a mantra ready to use (Not your business!  Not my business...not my circus, not my monkey!"  Some topics need to be off the table.  To do otherwise is to be attacked, to be dragged in, to be emotionally hurt by them ...much to their delight. 

If you are being told things by others, about the toxic person or about what they might be saying, keep yourself from flight or fright lizard brain reactions.  Try to keep from feeling defensive.  (As a mother, this is wicked hard, for we are used to standing up for our own truths).  Try not to feel a loser or a winner.  Simply stand your ground and speak your truth.  Remember, you are most important to yourself.  Be that!

You need not bend over backwards to fix things nor do you want to fix things for others.  Fix things for yourself in toxic relationships.  Your well-being means that you have risen above family conflicts.  Be that!  Set boundaries around this person.  No one is entitled to your peace of mind and your truths, unless you invite them in.  Know who to invite.  Realize that you are not the only one they try to drag in.  Refuse to be confronted, to be challenged, to be incited, to be aggravated by such toxin.    Surround yourself with those who are your supporters, who you love and who loves you so much that they are a place you go to for compassion and understanding, love and a peaceful place to fall when toxins surround you.  Do not look for loyalty, look for the love that has proven itself.  And, if you are hurt, find a place to go for relief, to that place where you know your own truths and are at peace with that.  Let them not make you bitter or wounded.  They are hurt people who hurt people.  Know that and be a peace.  Rise, my dearest, rise!

©Carol Desjarlais 10.27.18


  1. No truer words were ever spoken, my friend. I truly needed this today, thank you.

  2. Time is the only true answer. Hurt people , hurt people. When the old saying comes up. you can count them on one hand, some come some go. but family is supposed to be forever, how very sad is a betrayal from forever .
