Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Muddied Sense of Soul

“Spirituality is not taking shelter under religions or prophets but making deep union with the God that exist in every heart.”   Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

The Moon shows her full face, her Hunter's face, and Aries rises to teach us about courage.  Tension will come full force in relationships for this moon. Patience is required to wade through the mud of relationships that are toxic and to avoid quarrels and frustration.  Know when to walk away from the mud and know when to compromise.  What muddies relationships is that we have old wounds we may not have dealt with yet.  Remember your personal power.  You do not have to think or dream anything you do not want to.  You do not have to inhabit that muddy arena of old memories that do not belong in your today.

Our spirit/soul belongs to no one but ourselves.  We only allow others to affect our central place of goddess-within.  We need to strip off our muddy old robes and liberate ourselves.  Our fear comes from all the outer talk, not the inner talk.  You can say you believe in God, that we were created in his image, but then we treat ourselves as if we were garbage.  If you believe in karma, then know, the ancients wisdom returns again and again, to us.  

Get out of the playground of childhood, youth, young woman conditioning.  It did not work for earlier generations; it does not work for ours, if we do not bathe ourselves in remembering (not the miserable stuff we often choose to remember) that we are Co-creators... imagine, Co-creators, with the Creator.

Watch that you do not love your past and your misery too much.  We may have been stained, but we were not gored.  We may be scarred but we are not rotting.  We may be mourning, but know what you are mourning for.  Look to the key triggers of your feelings.    We are not here to please people.  We are here to become so in tune with our soul that no others can think, or allow us to think, they own it.  We are not here to allow injustices, either.  We do need to take a stand.  We do need to shout our truths from mountains, betimes.  

Try hard not to be one person in public and another when we are alone with ourselves.  That is not authentic.  Try to connect with others who are walking on the similar pathway to yours.  When we get stuck in quicksand, they can help us out and vice versa.  Take your own healing with high purpose.  Do not stay so raw that you are hyper-sensitive (oh this is so me).  Try to work hard on not feeling guilty because someone(s) thinks you should feel that way.    Work on gaining trust with the Universe, with a Creator, with others.  To not trust is to sit in a pool of self-isolation. (This is also big for me).  

The Hunter's Moon asks that we seek out those shadowy, muddy, places within.  Air them out, dust them off, shine them up so you know them intimately and nothing can muddy your belief in how truly precious your soul is to you.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.23.18

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