Monday, August 27, 2018

MyStory - Adding Month by Month

This is going to be an interesting few months of challenges.  I have started a 17 x 12 "book using Mixed Media.  I am calling it "My-Story".  I want to leave it as legacy.  It is like an art journal, but focused on things that interest and are about the Inner Me.  It includes pages of zodiacs, moons, animal symbolism, empowering pages, and when I get the main things done, I will be sharing an art journaling page per week.  As well, there will be other artist activities such as:  I will show you how to make your own empowerment deck of cards so you can draw and focus on one of the empowerment cards.  I will show you how to carve your own stamps out of fun foam to go along with your-story.  I will focus on a section for each week and a new technique.  It will be mixed media so anything goes.  So collect your goodies that you think you might add.  Decide on a color scheme or thematic scheme you hope to choose for YOUR-STORY. 

MyStory- Months

At the back of the book, I have saved two pages each to dedicate to each month.  It is here that I express things that I need to watch for, things that are important in that month for me, etc. 

I began June, but the house got flooded so it is really incomplete, but no worries, you should leave blank space for adding to at a later time.  June has a tip-out.  I used some stickers, put my calendar on the page with my personal symbols used on that calendar.  I put in astrological information and put both things to watch out for as well as positive things.  It helped me know what to work on that month.  You can do your pages in any way you please.  It is good to just get it down for reference.    I used one of my stamps I made from craft foam.  

For July, I used the insert from a birthday card (a pop-out birthday cake) in the center of my two pages.  Again, I added a calendar with personal symbols.  I found some magazine bits I could cut out to add to my page.  This is the month of my birthday so I put some of my characteristics, according to my birth date, on the page.  

For August, Lamas celebrations, I used some of my older art journal pieces for these two pages.  The calendar lists some good days, which I needed to focus on this year, and then I put in some challenges for me for the month.  As well, I added some empowerment ideas.

For September, that I am currently working on, I painted a woman on the one page and then added curvy strips of August colored strips radiating across to the other page.  Again, a calendar, this time typed.  This is the season of Mabon, a season to be reminded of "letting go".  This is what I will be working on in September.  I will be adding more things as I move into the month.  I will know what THE PLAN is, for my cancer diagnoses, and what kind it is, on the 28th.  

Each month will continue on and when I get the months of this year done, I will do an additional art journal of MyStory to add as an addendum book. This one book will be outgrown and I want to keep going and(not do daily pages) but do important dates as I go along.  This book will be passed down to my granddaughter, as will the further books that I do.

Be sure to leave space to add-in.  Enjoy yourself doing this.  It is empowering.  It gives you a voice that will carry on to whom may find it, or to someone you pass it on too.  It will be your authentic voice telling your story rather than other people doing so.


©Carol Desjarlais

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