Monday, August 6, 2018

Mystory - Monday, August 6 - Page Six - Connections to the Moon

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.     - Carl Sandburg

We have always been in the ebb and flow of Grandmother Moon's rhythms.  Mother Earth ebbs and flows to her rhythm.  Babies of all kinds are born under the full moon.  Once, when things were natural, women's cycles followed the moon's cycles.  Still, today, the women who are menstruating, if they are bonded, they, too, will have their 'moon' alignment.  All human's, animals, and plants are affected by Grandmother Moon.

The New Moon, like a maiden, symbolizes spring, birth and growth; the time of the child and learning.  The Full Moon is symbolic of Motherhood and all things fecund and fruitful; a time of sacrifices.  The Waning Moon symbolizes the Crone, winter, less abundance.  We move into cessation of our flow and retain our power and deepen in wisdom. The Dark Moon is the time we know our shadow self.  We move to introspection and things settle into that dark night in quietude, rest and reflection.  All things wax and wane.  It is best to consider how Grandmother Moon affects us. 

The challenge for this page (page 6 of MyStory) is to research and consider how the moon affects us.  Because I am interested in the goddesses and their influence, and their connections to the moon, I chose to consider the goddess' and their influence on me. 

I, again, used the homemade stamp of the goddess on a beverage coaster.   

This page, also, has a tip-out.  I did the phases of the moon on a strip of matching paper that lifts up and I wrote how 'most' connected I ever was to the Harvest Moon, August 27, 2015, those moments after my sweetheart died and I went out to stand under the moonlight that wrapped me in her warmth and comfort.  The tip-out is merely glued on at the inner edge.  Using a tip-out can help you have more room to add things you think of later, on any page we do.

A bit of sparkle, some ephemera from my stash, helps to perk up the page.

I challenge you to do a MOON page and make it personal. 

Enter the moon magic, sister-friends.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.6.18

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