Tuesday, August 21, 2018

MyStory, Page 7 - 10, Color Symbolisms

Color is only beautiful when it means something.      Robert Henri

Color affects us unconsciously and sub-consciously.  I used to do a Women's Empowerment Workshop all about feelings and colors.  It was a way to dig into deeper level self-analyses.  As an artist, and, as a poet, color symbolism has always interested me.  Why do we choose the colors we do; for decorating, for painting, for clothing, for personal jewelry, etc.  There is a reason; do you know why you are drawn to certain colors at certain times, in certain settings?  It can reveal a great deal to you about yourself. 
What color do you think of when you think of emotions such as sorrow, joy, peace, spirit, family, and the list goes on.  Do you know why those colors are significant to you? 
Marketing is all about color.  Malls, and stores, and brands decorate and use color as subliminal attraction for customers. 
Following the First Nations' ways, I use flags ( strips of cloth) in certain colors at certain times of the year, or I tie flags in our trees, or lay color on my altar to represent something I am praying for, or a way of honoring something in a symbolic way.  I want to knwo why I choose a color I choose in a piece of artwork.  I want to know meanings of colors for when a color comes up in a po4m.  The "WHY of it all.
To do these pages, I used strips of background papers.  I researched color, deeply, and have added the strips with double-sided tape on the top so that I can write significant things underneath the strips. 
I have added a few links for you to peruse, in order to understand the WHY of it in your life.  Consider how you label each emotion you can think of. 





©Carol Desjarlais 8.21.18

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