Sunday, August 26, 2018

Fear, Pain, Loneliness, Powerlessness Lessons

Every woman is a creator.  We birth things.  We birth them, not in our minds, but in every section of being human and female.  We create, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  We may labor a long time to give birth to any of our creations.  For some creations, we walk the blurred edges of many kinds of deaths.  some of what we create was chosen for us to do so.  Once we begin creating, our creation takes on its own life and seems to finish itself.  We create whether we wish to or not, betimes.  Sometimes the agony must come before the creation.  Sometimes the last bit of creation is agony.  Our creations are soul-deep dear to us.  We must revere that which we create or co-create.  

Somehow, we have become jaded or numb to ourselves as co-creators and creators.  We have listened to other people's story about us. We have come to believe it; thus, the fear, pain, loneliness and powerless feelings lay in our hearts.  We feel these things because we have abandoned ourselves.  The harsh feelings come when we do not live authentic lives.

At some point, we love the child within, help her mature through knowing Self completely, then we can leave her to continue maturing.  As we do this, we gain the skills needed in the Present.  And, it becomes empowering.  We do not have to deny or repress any part of ourselves and we do not send out our shadow self to disrupt others on their own journey.
We begin to realize that we are not alone in our journey.  We meet others who are progressing.  In fact, we call to them and welcome them as we plod along.  Somehow, belief in self comes from the work we do to regain our balance and footing.  We learn to look for the lessons and work through them.  Moments of hardships become easier as we know they do not last any longer than we desire them to.  

The sister-friends, in this site, are all awakening, as am I.  We refuse to feel pain that holds us back.  We accept there will be more pain, but, as we work through our old 'stuff' and heal that space, other spaces open for us to fill with good intentions and successes.  We need room in our soul; room that is not full of caught insects we have been hoarding;  room for accepting and giving service from and to others.  Some of us are longing to hear your voices.  We have to empower each other. We cannot do that and still hold on to old incidents.  

Listen!  Listen! Do you hear those voices of traveler's on parallel paths to yours?  I do.  Do you hear mine?  Listen!

©Carol Desjarlais 8.26.18


  1. To know you is to love you!. You inspire me to do better, the time away in the mountains was a gift, those two dogs encouraged me , told me I could do better and I did !. Inspiration comes in manner forms. All I every wanted after these surgeries was to walk. Now I can. Forever grateful shall I be for that time away ..

  2. Wonderful and as always, enlightening and gives me something to think about.

    1. And I have no idea why I posted as Unknown =)

    2. hm, well, it finally showed your name. The internet can be baffling.
