Monday, August 27, 2018

Attitude Attracts Attitude

Look life down here is hard.  We should not make it harder for ourselves.  Choices!  We are all where we are because of our choices.  There is no sense blaming others or other things. We chose!  We walk the journey we chose.  Our attitude towards self, left, others, reflects what we believe; deeply, embedded, belief.  We forget that we might have some bad habits to do with our attitude.  What we believe of ourselves, we attract.

So many of us, in the past, accepted less than we deserved because we did not believe we deserved better.  We did!  But our attitude of being 'less than enough" had us settle for less.  When we did not have a physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually abuser in our lives, we turned inwards and we became our own internal batterer. 

We tell ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, that we are not enough, that we are self-centered, and that we are in need of being 'too right.  We tell ourselves we are too assertive/not assertive enough.  We are fat/ugly.  We are guilty of something no one knows about.  We are just plain not good enough.  Our soul listens and weeps.  Our ego loves it.  (That Evil Inner Witch).  And then, we operate from that belief.  We draw others to us that believe what energy we send out.  Oh, yes, we will draw those who will speak the same to us, treat us as if we were, and the cycle goes on and on.

At some point, we have to learn o attract the right things.  We change our attitude about Self.   We stop the internal abuse.  We face the crisis of identity we had set for ourselves.  We accept that hard times come to everyone.  We accept that we can learn the lessons that Crises brings us.  We stop feeling sorry for ourselves.  We sort out our major issues and or story we have been telling ourselves.  We no longer think we need outside rescuing.  We rescue ourselves.  We do not see Life as offering us catastrophes and begin to see them as challenges.  We refuse to attract more catastrophes in our life and begin to work on challenges without denial of blaming others, o other situations as to why the challenges come.  We stop feeling like martyrs and stand in the light of self-empowerment.  We come to realize we are responsible for our own lives and that attitude is the ALL of it.  We stop running way and learn to find peace and comfort for what it is.  We realize that feeing happy is an internal thing, and ego will keep you from feeling it, if we allow it to continue growing and growling within.  We open us our hearts so that authentic love can get in, so that peace can flood within, so that we radiate love and peace outwardly.

Only if we choose to acknowledge that we are perfectly imperfect and allow ourselves to be that, can we ever draw goodness and hope and belief in good things.  Only then can we balance the Medicine Wheel of our life.  Only then will we draw people to us that are growing healthy in physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual ways.  We are enough we must tell ourselves.  We have enough.  We give out enough.  It is all in the attitude.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.27.18


  1. Many comments touched me. You know my history and how I work to find a confidence that my 'care-givers' seemed to have damaged when I was a boy. I ran for a long time. Any issue that seemed insurmountable, caused me to become unglued and I'd run away. I started over so many times, in so many different parts of Canada, coast to coast. I always took the passive role and tolerated whatever the other person wanted; I'd say nothing. People still talk around me as if I'm not there. My comments aren't heard...most of the time. So I sit quietly and tune out sometimes. I am difficult to hear with my low voice. Some of that is not having the confidence to speak up. Usually quiet, anticipating criticism, I come across as an extremely quiet person. So much to still work on. I'm enjoying my own company this week while B is away. No TV is really nice. Quiet...the birds...the crickets...the beautiful quiet. Life is a challenge that I accept. Fun project actually.I've overcome so many things that might bring another person down. I am fortunate. I am blessed.

    1. Truly, brother Josh, you are a beacon of healing and how to deal with such adversity. I love you exactly how you are.

  2. Thank you. I wonder if you have to have a google account to have your name show.
