Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Beltane- Bringing in May

Beltane the month of protection for children and elderly women.  Who more needs protection more this month?  A blessed month indeed.

The Celtic festival of Bealtaine/English version Beltane, begins May 1, mid-Spring, when it is apparent there is a changing of seasons that our ancestors knew by heart.  Trees are leafing, flowers are budding and early spring flowers are blossoming.  The air is alive with fertility and promise, as are we, women, who stop to listen to our heart and soul.  

I have hung my May Basket, planted seeds, transplanted starter pansies.  My daffodils are truly daffying.  The bees are buzzing.  The flowering things are preparing to bust full force. I crave to wear bright spring colors.  I want to have a bonfire on May 1st, in order to burn some old things that I want to let go of, and to commune with the smoke that rises as prayer.

I will not be home to do it all on the exact date so I will be posting this and other (s early so I might share the information with you, sister-friends.  While the Maypole sounds lovely, and I could decorate a tree in Easter Eggs, I do not have the time to do so.  So, I will take some prayer tobacco pouches to Alberta with me and give offerings into the fire.

While in Alberta, I will gather some pussy willows to dry and have in a corner of my house, in a vase, in remembrance of the many symbolisms of Spring through-out the year.  

I will stand out in the morning dew and be grateful for the living waters that I am made of.  

I will make note of the mating birds, animals, and bless them with a prayer when I see them.  I will bless gardens as I pass them.  I will celebrate the fertility and fecundity of Mother Earth as I see new baby birds, horses, calves, and whatever babies I meet along our way.

Before I go, I will set up my altar with green colors, with a candle to celebrate the fire of the coming time of the Goddess Bona Dea, with seeds and dried flowers, with dried sage I picked in Arizona deserts.  I will add a green stone (green fire agate) to represent the greening oak and Green Man who represents the male virility of nature. 

Research some ways you can celebrate this Merry Month of May.  Share them with us.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.24.19

1 comment:

  1. I still remember dancing around the May pole in England. Was a wonderful day . Thanks for the memories.
