Sunday, April 21, 2019

Amidst the Quiet

"The things that we understand, create silence. The things that we do not, create emotion." - Kapil Gupta

How many levels are quiet are there?  Consider body quiet, mind quiet, heart quiet, spiritual quiet and the many levels within them.  Sometimes silence speaks louder than words for a woman.

A woman may retreat, causing distance, out of fear, or desire, out of frustration.  There is a woman's silence of contentment.  A woman's silence can be that she is pleased with her life.  A woman may be planning, in her quiet.  A quiet woman may be one who does not want to take the effort to defend herself, to explain herself, to affirm what she is thinking.  A quiet woman may be a grieving woman and is seeking her own silence to be able to work through it rather than seek others to help her through. (so me)  A woman may be quiet because she is mad as hell and not going to take it all anymore.    Oh, a woman's quiet is a whole world away from others, both sacred and scary, betimes.

When a woman is frustrated, she should know her quiet is settling.  When a woman is disappointed, he silence is the color gray, dark gray, steel gray, the gray of putter.   A woman's fear may be her quiet.  When something is risky, a woman can be quiet.  Confusion can make a woman quiet.  Her quiet may be that she has a thousand thousand things to sort out in her mind.  

Do not think a woman's quiet is all about giving other(s) the silent treatment.  Perhaps she is quiet because there is a virtual explosion about to happen if she does not find a quiet place within.  She can be quiet because she does not trust herself or her emotions. 

A woman can be quiet when she is not interested in what is going on around her.  She may be creating a distance in a relationship because she is pretty sure she is done, but not quite yet.  She is not using her quiet to manipulate you; she is using, perhaps, her quiet in order to have a talk to herself about what is concerning her.

Perhaps she is quiet because that is the place and space she needs right now, to empty her mind of all the chaos of her world.  She might be collecting herself because she is standing on as precipice and not sure which way to jump.  Maybe she is lost in a beautiful memory.   Perhaps she is learning a lesson a new way by going over something that happened.  Perhaps she is simply savoring quiet time.

Shhh, let her be!

©Carol Desjarlais 4.21.19


  1. This is so true. the quiet becomes a safe place to be in many of these situations. The ability to turn off a switch , to avoid emotional contact, a place to hide. Great blog. Hugs

    1. I , once, as a small child, learned to tune out, to bring on a void to what was happening around me. It is called disassociation. It did me no good because, later in life, I had to get help to go back and delve into those voids. When I began doing art as a mostly daily practice, I learned how the mind can go to a quiet beautiful space as I was painting. Some can read a book and lose track of time and space. Some meditate. I cannot seem to meditate. My mind is hard to quieten. There is a huge difference in the two spaces. To lose oneself into creativity is healthy and one can sort oneself out through mediation of a kind that is where we work out some of those voids and some of the present stuff. That kind of quiet is where there is soul work not soul denial. xoxo

  2. .My mind is way to busy for meditation. The act of creating something has given me the ability "to get away" I will be forever grateful for you.
