Monday, April 22, 2019


"A garden requires patient labor and attention.  Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambition of fulfill good intentions.  They thrive because someone expended effort on them." - Bailey

There cannot be enough said about friendships.  There are myriads of kinds of friendships.  This is about those friends who are vital to our body, mind, heart, and soul health.  

It is true that friendship evolves as we do.  Life can get in the way as we are career women, but still, the right kind of friendships sustain themselves.  The deep friendships are like familial bonds.  Yes, the right kind of friendships shovel past all our inner demons and our physical hindrances (as we age) and we have grown through that kind of love of and from others.  

We need to be, and have, the kind of friendships that are kind, compassionate, caring and help us understand we are deserving of such.  We need to be treasures to each other.  And lucky are the ones who have this.  I would not be alive if not for that kind of friendships.

Deep, long-lasting, and authentic friendships give us energy and they are ones who know their worth in us as they know it in themselves.  They know who we are, accept who we are, and encourage us to keep on keeping on even when we are neck deep in personal, social, emotional, spiritual troubles.   We know what we are worth to them and they know what their worth is to us.  They give, sometimes, until exhausted, and so do we, because we are worth it and they are worth it.  They teach us to give, to serve others, and we learn to receive.  

Sometimes their truth hurts, as it should, because they know better of us, and we learn to accept because they think we are worth the fear of losing us to something earthly.  Sometimes we have to gird up our loins and be everything to them while they are weak and the same goes for them.  And we keep no checks and balances.  And we survive impossible things, we overcome what holds us back, and we thrive...we all thrive.  We know we are tender souls although we may give off armored selves.  We know into the very soul of this kind of friend and their soul knows us.  We have been warriors and we know it and we have gained a spiritual connection by battling through things.

Oh, these friends are the kind that makes life worthwhile.  They keep us nurtured.  We nurture them.  In doing so, our souls become twin flames that light up the spaces where we are.

If you have never held a friend n your arms and allowed them to grieve, oh, what you have missed, and oh, how truly spiritual.  I have such friends.  They are few but they are there, cheerlead8ing me along the way and I am there, calling to them so they join me in our earthly walk.  How truly gifted to be such a friend.  How truly gifted we are to have such friends.

Make a vow to make the most of those few deep and long-lasting friendships that have endured and continue to endure.  We cannot do without them.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.22.19


  1. hOW POWE

    How powerful this is at this stage of life. I would not go on without you,the last heartache is the loss of a life time friend. {sister}So rare

  2. That is true for me as well. We are very lucky women. It is a deep familial-type relationship because we have been so authentic with each other and we have no doubt there is great love. xoxo
