Saturday, January 6, 2024

New Year's Prayer


 Shsring a beautiful prayer:

"As 2024 approaches, I wish you self-discovery, solace, and meaning.
May you walk closely with your truest self this coming year - remembering who you were and honoring how you became who you are now.
May you listen to the wisdom of your body and allow its voice to guide you to what it needs for optimal health and care.
May you stand strong in what you know to be right and just.
May you make space to feel it all - grief, anger, joy.
May you show up authentically and shine as uniquely you with those who matter most.
May you set strong, soul-guarding boundaries with grace.
When you feel drained and running on empty, may you pause to still your mind and renew your depleted spirit.
May old shadows lift this year through forgiveness - of yourself and others - releasing you into compassion.
May old beliefs about your limitations give way to creativity, inspiration, and the courage to pursue new opportunities.
May gratitude be a daily practice.  May you know, in every cell of your body, that you are cherished and deserving of love."

 - Joanna Klein, “Journey to Legacy"


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful carol ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thankyou for sharing xxx
