Sunday, October 8, 2023

In Search of Deeper Truths: The Number 7



It is said, by numerologists, that everyone has a sacred number that influences our lives.  It is said to influence traits and events in our lives. In numerology, my sacred number is 7. 

You can figure out your sacred number by doing the following:

Write out your birthday in digits and then add them all up. For example, if your birthday is November 2, 1998, or 11/2/1998, you would add 1+1+2+1+9+9+8 = 31. Then keep adding until you get a single digit: In this case, 3+1 = a life-path number of 4.

When you find your single digit number, you can google the influences of that number in your life. I find this interesting, yet do not know much about numerology at all. 

Basically, the number 7, though is said to add mystery, knowledge and intuition in my life.  It is said that it influences me to seek truths of things.  It is said that I am wise and intelligent but indecisive.   But, as well, I overthink things.  OMG, truth!

So, I am a seven, but find out what your sacred life number is then google what your number holds for you. 

In the meantime, this is the month for number 7 that interacts with your life number this month. If you are a 7, know that a 7-pathed person has double the positivity.

This month will be a month for those who seek.  You will be drawn to pursue knowledge of things at a higher, more spiritual, level.  You will want to know the truth of things, to tell the truth of things, to live more in your own truth.  Numerology is ancient and numbers carry a vibration where we are not even aware of.  You will be more drawn away from people, places and things as you become deeper in thought.  There will be no way you can actually explain what is going on in your head, but you will be more withdrawn and focused inwards.  Your emotions may bely what inner work you are trying to do.  But, as you Think, truths will come and you will struggle to speak about it all because of the motions surrounding it all.  The struggle will be real, but the working through it all, emotionally, will be your best path towards progression of yourself as a whole physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. 

During this month of Number 7, you will want to correct how others see you…want to be more authentic and have others see your authenticity.  Your solitary times will happen because you are truly working through your own truths.  Watch that you do not become emotionally detached to your thoughts, wishes, hopes, and truths.  Do not be tempted to make decisions to “out” others.  This is your work and Ego will resent it because it does not wish us to change.  You know who you can trust.  Go to them to sort things out if it gets heavy.  Trust yourself.  Trust you intuition.  We are not down here on this hard earth for outselves.  We are, each of us, the answer to some ancient ancestor’s prayer.  How do we fulfil that?  That is the truth of it all and you will be drawn to know that purpose in some small way if not find the exact path we must walk here.  Knowing purpose is always the wuestion.  This month, your truths you seek will begin to confirm that, if not knowing your purpose, at least being aware that there is a reason for you being here.

Seek well! 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.08.23


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