Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Ghost Emotions



The Moon is in Scorpio and it means that we need to pull back and pay attention to ourselves, our needs, our emotional desires.  Too often we get caught up in doing service for others, to being a shoulder to lean on, to being enmeshed in others emotional needs, so that we do not pay attention to our own.  Now is the time to really focus in on our own emotional needs, today.  With Scorpio influencing us, our intuition will be heightened.  We will be aware of the mystery of our emotions and that we should delve into our feelings and know them for what they truly are. All of us, at one time or another, have experienced ghosting emotions…substitution emotions that show up in place of authentic emotions. 

So many times, one feeling is substituted for another.  I am pretty sure all of us have experienced this in some way, at some time.  I know grief can be expressed as sadness, huge sorrow, but it can also be expressed as anger.  Anger is the easiest emotion to feel.  Because death is out of our control, the feelings about bereavement can be replaced by other emotions.  Sometimes we will hold back our authentic emotions around empathy because our ego wants us to be some kind of hero.  Rescuers, enablers, have a hidden agenda, whether they are aware of it or not.  Their Egos, needing to be a hero, offers up ingenuine (Ghost) emotions. 

Some people with the need to be a hero, have hidden (even from Self) ulterior motives that may be about trying to make up for mistakes in their lives and so they are really focused on ding good, being compassionate, pushing themselves to constantly put others in front of themselves. 

Sometimes we allow other emotions to stand in when we have a need for approval.  There are ghost emotions that push authentic emotions back in fear of being judged of not being accepted if we think or do differently than others.   In situations where we are insecure, we will soothe, or agree, rather than give emotional responses that are truth. 

There are many many ways that we allow for ghost emotions.  Purt emotional intelligence needs us to really examine the WHY of our emotions. At some point, we will become aware, and when we do, we will begin to pay more attention to our unattended wounds and scars and those blank spaces we have not discovered.  To live our truths is imperative.  To react in authentically emotional ways is imperative.  If we are not true to ourselves, we will never feel Enough.  If we do not rid ourselves of the ghosts of the past, become aware of them, love them healed, any of our relationship connections will never be authentic and we will continue to show the ghost sides of ourselves rather than being a credible person. 

I write this because I know my many ghosts and am well aware that there are more to bring out of the dusty scarred places.  I want to be living the most true life that I can before I run out of time.  I constantly am working on myself and when a situation happens where things go awry, I have to seek out the WHY of it all.

Seek your ghosts, sisterfriends.  Love them into being healed so we can walk in truth.

©Carol Desjarlais 10.10.23


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