Sunday, October 22, 2023

Everyday Gathering of Gratitude in Joy and Wisdom



I was challenged to do a special challenge to talk to someone about moments of joy.  I was to do it for three days.  First to list 8 things I was grateful for:

I am grateful to have been at the right place at the right time and met the most dear couple who are traditionalists, living off grid, and both emanate peace, clam and feed my sol every time any of us is together.

I am grateful for my pantry and freezer full of my garden harvest.  It makes me happy to open the doors and see the many jars of goodness for winter.

I am grateful for my artistic bent.  It takes me to that beautiful space where I can express my feelings, thoughts, and is the voice of my soul.

I am grateful for this warm, beautiful home where I make my marks in the worlds.  It is here there is solace, peace and calm, for the most part.

I am grateful for my little 9x9 flower garden and feel sorrow as I put the plants to bed for winter.  The morning glory flowers have been moments of joy as I get up and count how many beautiful blossoms appear overnight. 

I am grateful for my youngest daughter who I want to be like when I grow up.  Her deep, compassionate, wise old soul starts every morning with the 6 am call as she goes to work.  Our relationship is so precious to me.

I do not show it always, but I am so grateful for L in that he loves me, supports me, cares for me.  I am grateful for such a companion at this time in my life.  It was a good decision.

I am grateful for my two Littles, sweet bundles of joy, loyalty, forgiveness, and comfort.  If only we would treat all Creation’s animals in such a way.

I choose, first, H to tell her stories of joy as we were cutting denim squares.  She spoke of being surrendered, twice, because her mother was unable to keep it together.  She spoke of being a fringe person, and I relate to that as well.  Her strength is her quiet joy.

Secondly, I choose R, who is a typical wise teacher.  His gentle soul and soft language speaks to me and affirms my beliefs and understanding of what it means to be an elder.  I sense great care being his joy.  We were both raised by good good people after being surrendered. 

The third person I listened to was a complete stranger, an owner of an apothecary.  You can feel the gentle joy just being around him.  When he speaks, he speaks of higher planed thoughts and truths.  I love to listen to him because I feel my soul awakened.  Awaken the World is about planting seeds of greater good and knowledge.  It is as if he is pouring that wisdom in and around you when you are around him.  It is magnificent and I plan to stop in often to be fed.

Who feeds your soul?  What are the things you value?  How do you express them?

©Carol Desjarlais 10/22/23


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