Friday, March 27, 2020

Uadjet/Wadjet - The Goddess of Many Names

"The Going Forth of Wadjet was celebrated on December 25 with chants and songs. An annual festival held in the city celebrated Wadjet on April 21. Other important dates for special worship of her were June 21, the Summer Solstice, and March 14. She also was assigned the fifth hour of the fifth day of the moon. "

Her name meanings, "wadj" means papyrus-colored one, which is green, which I chose not to paint her.  "et' means her gender.  The rearing serpent is her symbol since she could take form of such, and did.  

 Earlier this month, in Egypt, the goddess Uadjet, was honored.  She is the serpent that spit and hid Isis when she was pregnant, and she was in danger.  That was Uadjet taking a new form to save her.  She was the Goddess in charge of unifying Egypt in the times of Pharaohs and every Pharaoh wore her symbol with the sun on their crowns.  She was protector of royalty and women in childbirth.  

My Uadjet/Wadjet started with a fun quick drawing. But, as always, the hand and snake gave me no end of trouble.

Only the snake and eyes are green in my painting

She is a great one to call on in times of trouble.  As Jan assigned us all Crowns, in her group, it implies that we are all Queens in our own right.  In our groups, we are all assigned the spirit crown of our identity. n This is a reminder that all women carry the realm of royalty in our persona spaces.  Be that Queen.
©Carol Desjarlais 3.28.20

As a postscript, my granddaughter was given a piece of real papyrus, from Egypt.
She did not know what, exactly, to do with it, so she gave it to me.  It is quite stiff so I think it might have to be steamed to make it pliable.  



  1. I love your blog and your art... this Goddess & snake are really interesting... The papyrus is interesting too. xxx

  2. I love when intuition takes over. This is one of those pieces that came from somewhere in my soul. When that happens, the [painting happens quickly. Thank you so much. xo
