Saturday, March 7, 2020

Lucky charm (totem - medicine bag)

 " It is my belief in them that makes them medicine to me. " - CD

In 1987, I was called by the Dean of Education and he told me he had 'my job".  I had twenty-four hours to make up my mind.  I had not even finished my tests and final assignments for any of my last classes, but he told me he had all my marks given to him from my profs.  They knew and all agreed, it was the job for me.  I arranged for my mother to come watch the little kids and off I went for two weeks to see if it was a fit.  It was.  Within days of my arrival, an elder came in with the local guidance counselor, and I was told she had a gift for me.  The interpreter said the Elder had said she had been waiting for me.  She handed me a paper bag and int hat bag was a medicine bag with beading on it that was the exact beading of an eagle I had been doodling in the margins of my notes for years.  She could not have known, in a real world.  But it was absolute declaration to me that I was where I supposed to be.  And thus began my journey of 23 years in the far northern communities (one a four and a half hour fly-in) and teachings I coudl never have gained anywhere else in my world.  My children and I immersed ourselves in a beloved community and culture.  I still have my medicine bag, although it is worn and has been through an 'accident'.  It has worn thin and has a hole where the stones and medicines within wore it thin.  But, it protected me for all those years.  

We wear Medicine Bags, either on leather ties around our neck, pinned to a bra strap, or carried in pockets of person in some way.  It helps remind us, every day, that we walk in harmony with in our world.  What we carry within the bag is personal and will be of different kinds of medicines for our health and balance.  Mine sat close to where my heart is so I might have it influence me more.  

Herbs and tokens might be gifted and some of the gift or all of it goes in the small pouch.  Sometimes my Medicine Bag carried healing for other than me.  Each step moved the bag and I was reminded who and what I was praying for.  Sometimes, I had crystal(s) in my bag and they stored healing energy that would help me.  (remember, crystals are used in the making of motherboards).  All things are smudged before they are put in the bag, and each full moon, the contents are laid out where the full moon can cleanse them.  

I have several bags now, each with their treasures and each to be worn for different purposes.  The Medicine Bag I have painted does not have the beadwork that is on mine.  It would not be good to show it or photograph it. It is not that anything in any would help anyone, but me.  It is my belief in them that makes them medicine to me.  Wearing it, reminds me of my connection to The All, and the protection found under the branches of a great tree of life.  It is personal and holy/sacred.  Others should not touch it and never to be opened by any other.  It can be shared, in certain ceremonies, when I smudge the items, etc, but only during sacred times.  It is my personal energy field of protection.  I have often reached and held it in my hand during sacred times.  I have used its contents to help others.  It reminds me of my sacredness.

I began this painting by crumpling up a piece of paper bag.

I sprayed  inks on a piece of mixed medium paper I had been using as a paper to wipe/swipe my brush and stencils, with a solid color in order to tie it all together.

I lightened the page by spraying white ink and burnishing a bit with paper toweling.

Of course, I had to add turquoise, the sacred color, my favorite color, the color of soul. And then I drew my bag with brown felt watercolor pens around the edges of the Medicine Bag shape I had drawn.  I, then cut it out and glued it onto my page.

A bit of detail was added and it felt done.


I often do add a crystal or stone to my bag, that symbolizes something I need as protection or reminder.  Often stones are put in.  Not typically crystals unless they are a collection of the rattle sparkling stones, in those from the area where I grew up.  But, you might want to do something for yourself.  There are many tutorials about doing such.  My Medicine Bag typically is reflected on my altar.  

©Carol Desjarlais 3.7.20

For those who use crystals for protection, here is a site that gives a bit of an overview:


  1. What a wonderful journey and was sure meant to be with that 'sign' of the eagle. I love the insight into the medicine bag, how beautiful and you painted it beautifully. I learn so much from you Carol, you are such an open and loving spirit.

    1. Every blog and piece of art is directly from soul. My Ego/Evil Inner Witch tends to keep quiet and my hands dance on the keys.Thank you.
