Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ocean - Amphitrite

Amphitrite is the Greek Goddess of the sea.  She is, of course, the wife of Poseidon. She was one 50/100 daughters of a Water God and Goddess and Poseidon picked of all the sisters dancing on the isle of Naxos.  She became the Queen of the Sea.  Of course, she was a mermaid and her realms of all oceans and seas precluded the amount of power she was gifted with. 
You see many Disney water stories have her in it, under different names, of course, and sometimes different characters.  You see her in carriages of seashells, pulled by different sea characters. When Poseidon choose her, she refused because she had other 'religious' beliefs so she ran away.  Poseidon sent a dolphin, his messenger, to try to talk her into marrying him.  She changed her mind, for the rule of great waters need both but she did not like him very much and they did not consummate the marriage and lived in different parts of the oceans and did not even converse about their realm.  Except, somehow, they and two children; an heir and a spare; Triton (a merman) and Rhode.
Amphitrite had many talents and powers and she formed the seaweeds that move the oceans.  Paryt of the marriage deal, she gained power over the dolphins and when I say power, do not think she was negative.  She was not.  She ruled as teacher and her rules were good, for the good.  Was she always fair?  You cannot please everyone all the time.
She would sit on her throne of fish, fishing nets and was decorated with everything from lobsters to sea nymphs.  When she was on her throne, she radiated love. 
How do we relate to Amphitrite in today's world?  She is one who influences our emotions; our ebbs and flows.  She is honored from February 15 to March 15th.  Her symbol is a crescent moon laying on its back with a star in her bowl belly.  She teaches us to pull back emotions when our emotions overflow or last for too long.  Her life in saline solutions remind us we are made of water, ourselves, and spiritual healing has to come from within when our own belly sloshes with negative types of energy.  She is a reminder that water is our spiritual connection.  She, also, reminds us we are all in this together.

When we struggle with things of mundane life, we , sometimes, need to find that wonderful soulful energy we all have access too.  We are ALL on a journey of our own seas, and we all need to keep the ether full of positive energy.  I used her this last month by my own cultural way:  It is said never to smoke/smudge and think or speak negatively because the smoke carries those bad vibes up into the ether that will threaten to attack and then come back to us. I have caught myself in time, many times.  There is darkness in places of oceans and so do we have such.  Past things lie in wait, hopefully, unbidden, that belong to our past and need to be spring cleaned down there so as not to float to our surface.  Our own soul-healing begins there (our past).  

She reminds us to create our own personal sacred space, whether a corner of a room where you read, etc./ or paint; an altar, a place outside in the woods, or simply a space in time when you work of self. Some drum, some play people, some have a favorite bench.   It is your place to go to calm yourself.  Creative projects are places to find space, such as this.  It is where I, for one, get lost from today's whirl and swirl and I can find that peace, clam, quiet.  Creative activities help us develop deeper spirituality as we get lost in Amphitrite's realm.  

It is so easy to get lost in a sea of emotions that rub us raw, that shrivels our soul.  When you seek guidance for peace, guidance, remember that creativity is a wonderful space to create for yourself.  Build yourself a shelter in the sea.

You will be able to discern when I get lost in a painting.  I forget to photograph the steps.  This one
 is for the challenge "Ocean"

©Carol Desjarlais 3.9.20

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