Saturday, March 28, 2020

Circus- Adventure

“Welcome, welcome to Carnival! The grandest show on land or by sea. Inside you’ll experience more wonders than most people see in a lifetime. You can sip magic from a cup and buy dreams in a bottle. But before you fully enter into our world, you must remember it’s all a game. What happens beyond this gate may frighten or excite you, but don’t let any of it trick you. We will try to convince you it’s real, but all of it is a performance. A world built of make-believe. So while we want you to get swept away, be careful of being swept too far away. Dreams that come true can be beautiful, but they can also turn into nightmares when people won’t wake up.” Stephanie Garber, Carnival

Life, in its normal state, can be a circus, indeed.  It is more so today as we deal with a pandemic.  This is going to affect us emotionally, for sure, as isolation becomes the norm.  It is not that I am not one to stay home, but I go out once a week with girlfriends and we let it all out in laughter and friendship.  I spent fourteen days in-home at my daughters, and now I have come to another province, I need to stay in-home another fourteen days.  I am sure this is going to grind us down to raw emotion at some point, even if we have always been good with not being out and about.  It is the loss of freedom to do what we want when we want.  I am well aware I will become feeling a sense of this lock-down.  It is a totally new circus.

In this circus we know as life, now, remember, you are the ringmaster and the reigning celebrity of your own life.  We have the right, the ability, to mastermind a wonderful show.  Give your power to no one, make every day some kind of celebration of you!  There are animals in this circus, to be sure.  Be careful and really vet those you let into your life.  Do not give your stand to anyone else to control your show.

Some days you will be called on to walk a tightrope.  Make sure you have a net beneath you for the days when you lose your footing and fall.  No tightrope walker did it perfectly the first time.  You might need some solid friends to keep you tethered.  We all need those kind of people in our lives.  And, again, make sure you chose wisely, those you trust.  Stay balanced as best you can.  do the things that feed your soul and keep you from fear-reactions of every kind.  Try to stay focused and balanced.

Some days we will be the clown.  We live in serious times and will need some humor in our lives.  Make sure, if you are juggling things during this time, start slow and keep focused but do something spontaneous and silly sometimes.  My girlfriends and I are bingo-goers.  That is the basis of our friendship and once a week, faithfully, we meet up and once a month we gather to go out or meet in one of our homes.  Some are already bingo-starved.  On the phone, yesterday, my one girlfriend and I were talking about whatever we are going to do.  After the call I got a crazy idea and had to share.  I thought it quite brilliant and seriously funny.  We could each make ourselves some bingo cards.  We could meet once a week in conference call or on Skype, as a group, and have one of our husbands pull numbers at random.  Whoever wins, the others have to bring whatever is needed to our doorsteps.  Did we ever laugh at this.  But we might do it after weeks of  

Remember that there are freaks in this circus.  Try to be tolerant.  And, man, when I see millennials wandering around our block in groups, I hiss and spit inside the walls and windows and know I am jealous but not stupid enough to do it myself.  Sometimes we will be the lion-tamers, the elephant trainers, and it could get tense when someone in the house roars or someone starts drinking all my diet Pepsi I stored up on.  lol. 
There will be times you have to crack the whip.  Make sure you do it gently and compassionately.  Each of us has our own circuses and we have no idea what is going on under their own tent.  

Just know, this circus is full of surprises, of new rules for circusing, for unexpected things, and sometimes it will feel magical or terrifying.  We got this, though.  No matter what goes on outside, we keep in mind we bought and paid for this circus-business we are in.  Watch for the sparkles, the sawdust, the glitter and the gore.  Seek out the best acts!

For this painting, I chose a painting I had done earlier, and did not have a background for it.

 I made a couple of circus things to use in the mixed media piece I envisioned.  

I drew them and cut them out of pieces of brush-cleaning papers I had in my 'junk' drawer.

I, then started on a background.

I glued my little cut-outs on top of the background.  I now love her.

How are you managing your circus?

©Carol Desjarlais 3.28.20


  1. Love your analogy of our lives being a circus and how it's a very different circus in these days of the pandemic. While we are being isolated in our homes away from people, it's also a time of getting close to people in other ways, like your bingo game idea online. I also wonder if, when this is all over, will we be able to re-build a BETTER world for ourselves and our children and children's children.. maybe we can.. maybe this virus will teach us all to look at life as so much more precious and will shift our perspective on what's really important... Lets hope so xx

    1. Oh, yes. This is a chance to redo many things. Perhaps we may l;earn to slow down and to take note of the things we were too busy to deal with before. We can only hope life, in some way, becomes more purposeful. Yes, there is hope.
