Monday, November 20, 2023

I Am Slowly Learning: Carol



I am slowly learning that I am the answer to my own prayers.  I make it happen if I want it bad enough and it was meant to be.

I am slowly learning that happiness is not something outside of me.  I choose to be happy or not.

I am slowly learning that I CAN do it myself.

I am slowly learning that there is a flow to days and I am best to just let myself go with the flow rather than rush around being busy.

I am slowly learning what really brings joy, albeit fleeting due to life being life.

I am slowly learning that I attract certain personalities to me.  If this is so, I have to really look at the kinds of personalities I am drawing to me.

I am slowly learning to let the grieved grieve, to let the sad be sad, to let the angry be angry, because I do not belong “fixing” their karma.

I am slowly learning that it does not matter if those I love love me back.  That I love is what matters.

I am slowly learning to see my flaws and character weaknesses and have better control over them.

I am slowly learning not to take offence easily.  A critique is simply someone else’s opinion of me that have not walked in my shoes.  Smile and nod and walk away!

I am slowly learning to trust my own intuition better than I have.  I have to acknowledge that I ‘know’ things and quietly go about those things.

I am slowly learning it does not matter what others think about death.  My own spiritual opinion matters not to anyone else but me.

I am slowly learning to, completely and adoringly, love myself.

I am slowly learning how to winnow out the weeds and how to be grateful for the reason(s) that they were in my life and that they are now not a part of my life.

I am slowly learning, truly, truly, learning, that some people admire me and that they do so according to their own needs and desires.  I am not here to fulfill anyone else’s destiny but my own.

I am slowly learning what a hero I have been, what a champion of my own life, what a courageous, awesome person I have been and remain being.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.20.23


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