Sunday, July 2, 2023

60 Days of Frustration Left And Moon Enters Capricorn



The moon enters Capricorn this evening.  With the influence of the Strawberry Moon lingering on for another 60 days, and because this is the fourth supermoon in a row,  everything is heightened.  It may have you slipping into emotional numbness.  You will try to ‘work it off’ and be tamping down feelings because it can be too much to handle in a dignified way. 

Life may seem ultra-serious right now but do not let past things get into the mix.  This is good counsel for me.  I am supposed to be excited about going on a cruise in a couple of days and I do not want to take the sadness and angst with me.  I am wont to let little things that cause impatience, to build up and I can make a fool of myself over them if I do let them add up.  I need to learn to smile and nod. 

I am sure, when I get on the ship that everything about me will take a huge sigh of relief.  You are most likely fully burdened with emotional issues and because of this, you may be wont to project some of that feeling out where it does not belong.  We are human.  But that does not excuse us from being responsible and not allowing ourselves to release any angst out where it does not belong,

We ae all going through this pressure, stress and we are all tiring of the emotional upheaval around us.  Stay present and help support others where you can, but to do this, you must take care of self first.  It is not selfish to withdraw and do so.  This cruise, minus the internet and phones, will allow me to just be.  It I the healthiest thing I can think of for me right now.

I am a strong woman.  I know myself pretty well by now.  I know my patterns and challenges.  I know my faults well.   During, this month, starting today, I am going to work really hard to just let yesterday be and enjoy the present, even with a few extra frustrations.

Blessed Buck Moon to you all.


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