Saturday, July 3, 2021

Uneven? How To Ground Yourself




I have really been noticing that I am uneven in my thinking, my responses, pretty much everything.  I am stumbly and bumbly and accident prone, bigtime.   I feel almost ‘adrift” and certainly out of balance.  I need some serious grounding and not the ‘airy fairy’ type grounding so many new agers suggest.  I turn, instead, to my elders and the things I know best.

When I realize I am not grounded and I am off-kilter and uneven, I go put on a pair of my moccasins.  The elders say we have disconnected from Mother Earth and her magnetic field by wearing shoes and walking on wood and concrete.  We have lost touch with her and we have forsaken her teachings to us.  No wonder we do not feel grounded.  We are to spend time walking barefoot in grass, or wearing moccasins so Mother Earth can and feel us and recognize our unique magnetic interaction with her, against her heart and where she can whisper teachings to us that she knows we need to know.  Wearing moccasins helps us reconnect with her and our internal rhythm’s return to a place of inner peace where she recharges us and helps us focus on our purpose.

There is another way, or one I use along with The Good Red Road top help me become more grounded. (The Good Red Road is a way my Elders speak of living life with purpose and becoming the connection to all our relations that include Mother Earth and Gather Sky all above, around, below us, so that we become balanced in all areas of all things:  physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.  It is a sacred spiritual walk of connectedness and balance.  When we forget to walk in balance, we lose our connectedness with all things and life will forever be uneven and a life of wanting not fulfilling.)  I have studied the ancient ways, as is available to know, and by whatever limitations I may have about knowing of those ways that help me keep balance with the old and the new ways of understanding purpose and balance.

 Until the 23rd, Cancer is working on us at a deep soul level.  We will desire grounding as we take in what it is we need and allowing, what does not fit our soul, to be shed.  We need to detach from all the negative energy around us, take it in, know it for what it is and then release it in positive ways in order to return to a more physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual balance.  Seek those things that will balance the uneven way of life we are living since going through what the global village has gone through in this couple of years.  Seek to make, where you live, where your soul rests, a holy space, without worldly clutter, and make an altar for yourself where you can go and light candles and smudge, where you can hold crystals that mean something to you, and the changed ‘you’ that covid has wrought.  Seek ways to nourish yourself after being held away from Mother Earth and the natural protection and teachings and support gained from all things above, around and below us.  We have persevered and here we are, changed from who we were pre-covid.  We need, now to nurture our soul, we nee4d to see that the honor of one is the honor of all, we need to seek spiritual clarity and healing so that we can walk our own Good Red Road.

Go find a park or a forest or a meadow, or a space filled with negative ions that will recharge us.  (We have been going to a Salt Cave Spa that is a room made of Himalayan salt blocks, and bricks and flooring.  Forty-five minutes of pure peace and rest while you are surrounded by pronounced focus of micro-atomized salt and ions.  You can find some of the same by being near waterfalls or where water moves strongly.  Go barefoot out on Mother Earth and rekindle your deepest intimate relationship with her.  Wear moccasins if you have them, for this full month of this moon we are in.  Feel Mother Earth breathe balance back into your very soul.  Without finding balance we will ‘walk sideways’ and live in uneven ways so that we feel imbalanced and not clear-headed or purposeful. 

Right now, we know how uneven today’s life is and how precarious it is to be living and breathing in a world where all is off-kilter.  No wonder everything, including us, suffer and those who are uneven are acting out.  Let us ‘act out; in purposeful, healthy, fulfilling ways so we spread positive energy that radiates through us from Mother Earth’s walk of balance.  Peace be to us all.

©Carol Desjarlais 7.3.21. 


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