Thursday, July 1, 2021

Final Bohemian Project: Texture




This could not have fit the Challenge of “Texture” better, than if we had planned it.  All of June, I spent sewing my BoHo Journal.  Every page is as Bohemian as I could possibly make it.  Each “p[age” is sewn on to a wooden dowel at the spine of my “Art Journal”.  Page by page took days and days to complete.  I painted the paintings then sewed them on to different textured; rectangular blocks, adding tons of embellishments, and freehand sewed them on my sewing machine.  I was making the Bohemian beads as I went along, so that there are dangles and chains and strings of beads.  There are different laces of multiple colors.  I could add more, but I ran out of ‘ompff’ with the record-breaking heat wave we are experiencing.

It is a deeply textured ‘book’ and is very interactive.  There are pockets and jewelry beads and bangles to run your fingers through.  The quilting is all freehand and each page is done without meticulous stitching, of course.  I wanted it to look more hand sewn than neat quilting stitches.  It is something you would have to really run your hands through and on to really geet my gist of what Bohemian means to me. 

It is something I will treasure.

Thank you for bearing with me as I played with an old hippy desire deep within for this last month.

©Carol Desjarlais 7.1.21


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