Monday, July 26, 2021

Bird Wire Assemblage







Thin metal coat hanger


Junk necklaces and beads that will fit on the wire coat hanger.

Loose beads

Good chunk or corrugated cardboard.

Acrylic paint for base color of bird. 

Glue gun and various kinds of glues. (tacky glue, etc.)

Bits of papers for collaging.




1.     Find the flimsiest wire hanger you have in the house.

2.    Cut the bottom bar of the hanger so you can string beads up and around on the wing area.

             3.  String beads on to the hanger up to the neck. 

4.    Using pliers, bend the shoulder area of the wire into and odd shape that will become the wings. 

5.    Load the hanger up with strings of beads, hanging bits and bs of beads, bobbles and jewelry.


6.  Eyeball the bird shape out of corrugated cardboard.  Cut it. 



7.    Glue it to the wire shape and let dry thoroughly.  


8.    Paint a base color on bird.  Let dry.


9.      Loosely Collage on to dried bird shape.  Leave some of your base color showing.  Dry. Collage on to the cardboard. 


11.  Now for the fun part… grab your box of small beads, small bits and pieces and start loading the body of the bird.  As you dump on glue and beads, (I used a plastic teaspoon to dump beads on so I could a bit of control.)  use lots of glue, glue gun, whatever it takes to get the beads to stick.


12.    As you go along, stop and pat the beads down lightly. You can let dry at this point.

13.    Add some buttons, earrings, whatever you have that is a little larger 

14.  At this point is “Just Go For It!”


 14.  You can add a way to hang your assemblage, if one did not happen spontaneously.  


Ta Duh!  You have made an assemblage. 

It is good for the soul to do something totally different than you have been doing. It helps to step out of our creative comfort zone and give something new a go.


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