Saturday, July 24, 2021





There is a proper way to pick sage.

Say a prayer of gratitude for the sage. 
Sprinkle loose tobacco where you are going to pick, as you pray.  I pray to the four directions and above and below. 

Never pull out at the roots.

Smudge with previously picked sage bundle and pray again that it will dry and keep its medicine.

Spread it out on newspaper or a surface and let it completely dry.  You can braid some immediately before drying or let it dry completely and have loose sage. 

I tie with a red piece of cloth or ribbon for energy.  For healing you can tie a bundle with orange colored cloth or ribbon. 

Pray gratefulness and ask for its medicine to be held for you as you braid and tie it.

Store only when completely dry. 

I keep loose sage in a paper bag and away from where it will get moisture.

If you cannot collect sage, you can buy it, but it will not hold its medicine unless picked in the proper way. If a Native American is selling it for money, it, also, will not hold the whole medicine potential.  Money should not be traded for it.  Honor gifts can be given to those who give you sage picked and offered and accepted in the right way.   It will smell good and you can pray and ask its medicine returns, but it is not likely.  Sometimes just the smell of sage can help you feel protected and healing but it is best to get it yourself for full potency.

 When you are going to smudge, if loose, burn it in a non-plastic or metal container.  A shell or homemade clay bowl is best. 

Do not use anything but a match, or matches, to light the sage.  Best is to light a burning twig from a wood campfire, or small fire. 

Use a feather of some kind to waft sage smudge around your house.  Do not blow out age smudge ever. 

When completely burned, take your ashes out to an outside place that is sacred to you in order to give it back to Mother Earth. 

She does an excellent job explaining this.


©Carol Desjarlais 7.24.21

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