Wednesday, March 27, 2024

We Are Our Decisions



“Everything is going to be okay, my girl. I know that everything will work out for you. Be brave, be strong. Don’t listen to anyone – make your own decisions and take responsibility for them. Nothing stands in your way – only you. Remember that. Remember that always.”
Vyrgo Black, Under

Your choices define you; your choices define your character and Your choices make you. Right now…this moment… you are who you are, it is what it is is because of choices you have made from the time you were conscious enough to make choices.  Layer upon layer there were choices, reaction, more choices.  We can’t blame others for our reactions to our own decisions... though we try.  Other people do not live our lives.  We do.  We are living to deal with our own consequences.

Who you are, at this moment, is a result of your choices.  Every moment, we make a choice.  Every moment we deal with the immediate consequences…good or not good.  Your every ‘next decision determines who you will be.  Every decision determines the path you will journey on.  Sometimes we make decisions that take us the long way around.  Your choices determine you character.  Life continues to turn, to hand us obstacles on those paths we journey on.  What matters is you do ‘do overs’, ‘try agains’, and attempt to make yourself a better person.   The truth is that you do not make your choices… you choices make you!

Be aware of making decisions.  Considering they determine your future, best to take note of the decisions you are making with that in mind.  When you hit a bump in the road, and realize the decision you made was not in your interest, slow right down and make corrections.  You need to discipline yourself and realize the bump ion the road is one you , perhaps, choose.  It takes stamina and will power to make a different decision to make the corrections.  And you need personal values because really having good standards embedded in your mind, you will make better choices for yourself.  Decisions get easier as you set boundaries and stick to them. 

“A wretched man prayed, “God, I’m miserable! Let me trade my misery for another’s!”

God’s voice boomed from the sky. “Everyone, gather your miseries into a bundle and come to the town square.”

The wretched man gathered his miseries and was shocked to see people coming to the town square with bundles far bigger than his. Even people he thought prosperous! Even they had huge bundles.

“Put your bundles down,” God commanded. “And now, pick any bundle you want.”

“Who knows about those other bundles?” the wretched man thought. “This burden I know.”

And thus everyone chose their own bundle.” – Sufi story

Remember, Life is full of decisions to be made and sometimes we make ones that make our journey harder.  But, again, we are all beautifully flawed.  You are not always going to get it right.  You are not always be on an easy path.  Besides, life would be pretty boring if we didn’t.  Some of us seem to love challenges. 

As you become more conscious of making conscious, and unconscious decisions, forgive yourself along the way, concentrate on how far you have come, rather than how far you have left to go.  Be Present.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.27.24


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