Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I Release Us



I Release Us

I release you from “being corrected.” I release you from having to change the way you see me or understand me.

I release myself from trying to get you to see me as I know I am.

In my desperation to be seen, known, and loved for who I am, not for the misperceived version of me that you hold, I have betrayed and abandoned myself. I have questioned myself and my worth.

I no longer need your vision to be corrected. I am fine and secure within myself. How you see me doesn’t change who I am.

I betray myself every time I dance around explaining myself and try to get you to see the truth.

I am done betraying myself by defending myself. My truth exists with or without your affirmation of it.

Seeking to convince you is futile. It wastes my time, drains my energy, and causes me to question myself unnecessarily.

I trust myself more because I know who I am. You can believe whatever you want about me because I know my truth.

This year, I set us both free.

I release you from “being corrected.” I release you from having to change the way you see me or understand me.

©Lora Cheadle

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