Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Revolution Of Magical Thinking

"You cannot make the Revolution; you can only BE the revolution. - Ursula Le Grin, The Dispossessed

There are so many levels of authenticity that it takes a lifetime to reach the deepest truths.  We begin life with magical thinking of children.  But society curbed that awe and forced us to think more logically.  We lost so much potential for magical moments and grace of seeing magical thinking come true.

I was raised with a handicapped older step-sister.  She always talked to the radio.  One day, she asked the radio announcer to tell her what the weather was going to be.  Just happened, the announcer said, "And what will the weather be?" and, then told us.  Well, she looked like she had seen God.  She believed the radio was talking to just her; and it answered.  The look of satisfaction on her face was a bit, I told you so, and a bit of awe.  I reflect on times that were magical to me.  When did I lose that awesome belief?  When did you?

Yes, we had to learn to figure out fact from fiction, and yet, our bedtime stories were full of magical thinking.  We needed to know who and what and where to trust, and who and where and why not too.  Perhap0s the extinguishing of the magical was being extinguished just then.  Can we go back to believing such is true until proven else wise? 

Then there are our personal truths.  How often have we heard, "it did not happen like that.. no, that isn't true.." when we tell our truths?  Look, I know, sometimes, it is easier to belief the fantasy than to believe the fact:  For instance, when we are in pain, when we have had a sudden shock, when we are grieving.  Our truth is our truth.  None should minimize it ( especially us) and none should question what we say, that is down deep and rising from a place of wound.  How many of our truths have we changed to fiction or fantasy or half-truths because others have minimized it, or we have because it is expected of us to do so? 

What if we dug deep into our souls and excavated the authentic truths of what happened to us on our journey here on earth.  Our own ego/brains have, perhaps, and most likely, caused memory of that event to fit our belief system rather than it be the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  We have all played the memory game and the "whisper" game.  We all have our shadows.  We all envisioned something different than what happened.   But, in there somewhere is the innocent child who still believes in good, without fantasy, hope in the midst of a grind, faith in oneself as being magical.

How do we define our lives:  fact or fiction?  Is our story about what really happened or what we wished happened?  Does our thinking evolve from scarcity, from fear, from poverty of mind body and soul?  Does our belief rise from loneliness, from ugliness, from negative thinking, or fantastical thinking?  Does our story evolve from love given and received, from beauty in all things or just things we wished to be beautiful and so we saw it?  Does our thinking rise from gratitude?  Does our thinking and remembering break through because we had supportive friends and family, or did we let old grievances hold us back and make us bitter?  How many family and friends have fallen by the wayside and we let that happen?  Did our grace and dignity have us rise above such things and help those we felt abandon us be attracted back to us?  Are we stuck in thinking that comes from religion(s), from primitive ego, from patriarchal, from linear thinking? 

How can we help our whole story be magical in what we gained, what we learned, and what we changed to the positive in some way?  How can we place our story in a setting of peace, joy, and serenity?  How can we open our hearts so fully that the child appears with its full belief that anything was possible?  So fully that we remember our childhood ability to forgive Self and others.  The world has need of such.

Come sister-friends, let us find a way to make our whole story be full of magical thinking, positivity, peace, gratitude and service.  That is what counts.  That is what will draw good people to us.  That will be what attracts us once we get through our story and figure out the lessons and the blessings.  Think magical.  This can be our own little revolution.

September 1, 


  1. Awww, I do love that look on children when they see, or learn something that makes them just stop and look. I think I still have that, sometimes. A part of that is learning to embrace my own awkwardness, and in doing that, it makes me feel more individual =) Don't ask me how that works.

    1. Yes, I so enjoyed the triplets last month. Taking them to the old Blue Bridge I took my own kids too and seeing them see new things... it was precious to watch them. And, yes, learning to know and accept my limitations... hate it but do it! lol
