Monday, September 3, 2018

Page 8 - 9 MyStory - The Triple Goddess In Our Lives

Page eight shows the relationship between being The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone.  I added bits and bobs I had done on previous pages elsewhere.  I, then, tried the pulled-string technique to get the symbolic representation of each. As well, I made the stamp and printed it in blue.

String Art Youtube:

I found an art piece that suited each one, from older paintings, and have added them on page 9.   I added a jigsaw puzzle piece I had done separate to this book.  Above each stage of being woman, I have written how it applies to me.

More reading on the Triple Goddess:

How does your life fit into each of these categories?  Can you express it by creating a page or two on such?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.3.2018

This is going to be an interesting few months of challenges.  I have started a 17 x 12 "book using Mixed Media.  I am calling it "My-Story".  I want to leave it as legacy.  It is like an art journal, but focused on things that interest and are about the Inner Me.  It includes pages of zodiacs, moons, animal symbolism, empowering pages, and when I get the main things done, I will be sharing an art journaling page per week.  As well, there will be other artist activities such as:  I will show you how to make your own empowerment deck of cards so you can draw and focus on one of the empowerment cards.  I will show you how to carve your own stamps out of fun foam to go along with your-story.  I will focus on a section for each week and a new technique.  It will be mixed media so anything goes.  So collect your goodies that you think you might add.  Decide on a color scheme or thematic scheme you hope to choose for YOUR-STORY. 

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