Monday, September 24, 2018

Glorious Mabon

Glorious Mabon

Begins Friday - September 21 and ends on Saturday- September 29

Mabon is a Welsh story that speaks to the dying of the Father of Harvest and the celebration of the rise of the Goddess.  There is a lovely story to share

For the second time, day and night, dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer are all in balance.  The Sun is waning and the sap of trees returns deeper into the roots of trees.  The flaming reds, oranges and yellows begin to dance.  It is a very symbolic time. 

The cornucopia, represents the horn of plenty, the abundance of harvest, the horn the balance of the phallic male and hollow female. The apple is symbolic of harvesting fruit. It reminds us of beauty, long life and healing and regeneration.  Many would slice the apple into a disk, cutting through the sides, and the symbol that shows with the seeds and the covering of the seeds takes the shape of a circle, and was believed to be made into an amulet, to be worn, to protect from dark night evils.  As well, they would hang these apple disk near doors and windows to guard the entrances of the homes for the same reasons. 
Mabon, the second harvest before winter sets in reminds us to be grateful for what we have had, in bounty, since spring seeding.  We prepare for the barrenness of cold soon to come:  physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Physically - Sharing of full family meals in dominant, using as many seasonal fresh vegetables as possible. Going out in nature and collecting colors and leaves and enjoying Mother Nature before she puts on her winter coat, is a great way to physically enjoy Mabon.  Using fall fragrances to purify the house; cinnamon, apple cider boiling on the stove for evenings repast is a great way to cleanse the house. 
Intellectually - Gather up a list of good books to read since you have earned it and it will help you bide away the long nights to come.  Find a great on-line course or class you would like to take.

Emotionally - This is a good time to set some personal emotional goals, fall cleaning of home and self.  Find some wonderful meditations, or meditational music, to carry you through.  For those of you who enjoy the tarot or animal readings, this is good time to do a few simple researches to give you guidance.  Spending time to work on some things that have clung on since last winter, is a good thing an it is a good time to do so.  It is a good time to do your Fall Altar in honor of Mabon.  Use the colors and symbols of Mabon.  Stack some corn husks near your door, outside.  Put some wheat sheaves inside.  This is a time of gratitude and reflection.  Be willing to seek out your shadow areas and cleanse them as well. 

Spiritually - After purifying/cleansing your house and heart, it would be good for you set those negativities from smudge and however you symbolically get rid of your negatives (writing, drawing, etc., into the making of a scarecrow and setting it outside.  After cleansing, you can go tie prayer ribbons on some trees near you (or bushes).  Plant some bulbs ( iek garlic and shrubs and seeds that need to germinate through winter, so you can display your hopes, intentions, and dreams.
There are some awesome fall recipes.  Make some apple cakes and pies.  Honor your seasonal gathering in this way.  I made artisan bread and it was magnificent.  I will be making this throughout winter.
Enjoy your Mabon by sharing with others...  Blessed Be!
©Carol Desjarlais September 19, 2018

Sept 24, 2018

And tonight is the harvest moon that will carry a great deal of cosmic energy.  Whatever you have been working on, tonight is the night to ask the Universe to help manifest it in your life.  We have karma to work on as well.  That which has been on our minds to work on, may have been finding that you felt stalled by whatever reason.  I certainly have.  And nothing comes without hard work.  Our shadow side could be huge this night.  Work within it.  Work within the dark dreams.  Find the pathway through to the light.  As full as the moon is tonight, there is equal shadow and light.  Find the light. 
Light your sage, or whatever you smudge with, for these two nights of this full moon's influence at its greatest.  This moon may bring up some painful memories.  Yes, that shadow thing.  Embrace them and let them go.  Clear the hearth, so to speak.  We have much to be grateful for.
This is a challenging few months for me and I am not through it yet.  But, I have a new great granddaughter...and she is a beauty.  And, Margaret Lenore has a new granddaughter, and she is a beauty too.  We are lucky women, crones, we are.  Life is tough and then she hands us these precious two. 
The angst we may feel is coming to a head and we need to merely get through it by acknowledging the angst and finding the key within us and then making sure we shed the negatives of yesterday and walk into the joy of tomorrow.  This Full moon is a promise of things in balance, if we choose it.  We can see the dark or we can see the full smiling face of the grandmother.
We are moving towards the next season, in a hurry.  It is going to be the hungry and cold moons. Have we strengthened ourselves to see it through?  Use your spiritual energy.  It is yours.  You own it.  Now, own it.  Get through whatever it is you are getting through and be grateful..oh, yes, be grateful, for it will have us rise to a higher spiritual level if we do.  I cannot stand winter and cold and winter hard times.  I am not looking forward to this winter.  But, I will plug along, as I always do, and try to stay positive and get through whatever comes.  How about you?  Will you walk with me?

©Carol Desjarlais 9.24.18

1 comment:

  1. Lovely story and such a great reminder to be very grateful. I will certainly walk with you, sister friend. May you be warm this winter and may your Spirit be full.
