Monday, September 3, 2018

Birds on a Path

"It takes
So many thousands of years to wake,
but will you wake for pity's sake...?"
-Christopher Fry, "A Sleep of Prisoners

I am pretty sure that our main purpose is to bring life to life.  We walk a solitary path towards  really, nothing more than more.  The treasure at the end of every rainbow is ourselves and being fully aware and fully Self at the end of this part of our walk.  Along our walk, we will find many little side places to wander, it is our choices of what we wish in our life as for who we become, moment to moment; what we feel and think;  what we belief is true and worthy; what we value and what we stand for.  These are the things that make us who we truly are and why we are truly here.  We are called to change every moment and in that change is growth and brings us closer to purpose. 

It takes courage to walk this walk.  With a final goal of being 'at home' and we have been building and decorating that home every day we breathe.  We are where we are because we were.  We have been ill, we have been abandoned, we have been disappointed, we have been betrayed, we have been failures, and we have been courageous enough to continue to walk through the storms.  We have, and should be, always confronting the difficulties of life down here one earth.  We have borne much and will continue to bear much.  Having a true sense of self, a balanced Self, has helped us get through it...even things we thought we could not bear.

We have learned to trust, and sometimes the hard way.  We have learned what to fear people, places and things; in nature, in people, yet we have regained our footing and have had to need to trust again.  We have learned to love ourselves more deeply through it all.  We have had moments where we were walking in shadow and those beautiful moments of being bathed in the loving light of beautiful energy around us.  We have known when to leave a path that does not fit us.  We have learned to walk forwards and to retrace our steps.  We have, and are, always learning to love ourselves...moment to moment because life changes so quickly.  Sometimes we have wandered on paths that did not suit who we truly are.  We have learned to let go, to fight the pull one way, and gone another way, when necessary.

We may circle around and around, building more faith in Self, more Love in self.  Sometimes we have had to go back through some mighty huge piles of deadfall and worked our way through that, as well.   We have lost and loved again.  We have come to know we cannot do it all and that we might do bits and pieces, but, eventually, we do get the whole of growth that is necessary for us to be of good to the world.  We have discarded what does not fit our soul and kept those things that are worthy of being kept by us.

We have muddled through our fears and doubts.  We have attempted to harden our shells.  But, in the end, the walk only becomes more arduous, if we are carrying such loads.  We learn to be hard, or we learn to open our hearts so our soul might be gentle and soft and welcoming and caring and compassionate to others on their own solitary walks.  In the end, it is, indeed, a solitary walk, but it is never all about us.  It is about how we affect others, how we are able to make this life as much a heaven as possible for others.  It is, in our discomfort, that we find our peace and then we give out that peace that affects the very ether.

The whole of life is a walk of trust.  Everything happens for a reason, and we must trust that.  We will walk a while holding on to others, but, always, there is a leaving.  Always, there is that length of walk that is solitary, as it should be.  You can make it a lovely journey or a lonely journey.  If it is lonely, it means that you are abandoning yourself and your true path.  There are many on such paths as we, we find each other.  We walk a time together and encourage each other.  We may walk a while with those who disrupt our path.  We know some are walking before us.  We know some are walking behind us.  The best way to walk is side by side; each on our own paths, but near enough to cheer and encourage. 

Let us be that sweet singing bird on other's paths.  Let us be that beautiful voice in the forest of feelings these walks are, for each other.

©Carol Desjarlais 9.3.18

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