Sunday, April 21, 2024

Say What? Mars’ Rule?



April, now, is ruled by Mars. 

Be aware that everything about your desires, your actions, energy, passions will come to full focus.  Within this is the focus on aggression, assertion, sex and war will hold court. Be conscious that these things will rise around you, behind you, in front of you, below and above you. 

Mars is all about our base animal instincts and survival will be forefront.  You will be defensive…ultra defensive, if you do not use your skills to cope with your anger and need to be right.  You will be aware of gender inequalities and understand how sexual tensions come to play, no matter what age.  Mars is ruling all things.  How do we control ourselves when passions are high?

Self-discipline is how we get things done; how we make progress to higher human beings.  Those with the best self-discipline do the best on our journey down here on earth.  Passion is an abundance of emotional energy.  What keeps us composed, hopeful, dedicated, is self-discipline so we do not let our passions run wild.

To develop better self-control, we need to be accountable.  Gratitude for all we have, every small thing about us and our lives, helps us develop strong values.  What we value, we work hard to achieve.  To develop stronger self-control, we need to accept our human frailties and our capabilities.  When we were… say, ten years old, we wanted to be movie strs, maybe we wanted to be rock stars, and not have the wherewithal to be such.  As we mature, (around 28 years of age) we gain a clear sense of our goals and know what will work and know what will not.  We know what we would do in situations, for we have mis-stepped and know how far off target we can go.  To develop self-discipline, we need a goal to reach for and a reward for steps we make along the way.  We need a Plan A, B, C… and have small steps that will eventually get us our goal or somewhere near it.  Self-discipline keeps us from trying to do too much, or too little that will eventually get us to our goal or somewhere near it.

If you would have told me, at thirty years of age, that I would leave a 19-year marriage, and take the babies and go to University, I would have scoffed.   At 37 years of age, I did just that.  And I was very goal-oriented.  I had to get the classes I needed and I kept in mind what it was that I could need to keep house and hearth together.  Organizing four little ones and hitting the University tunnel by 7 am meant I had to be super organized.  Learning patience with myself and those around me was huge as well.  I began making lists in my head of the things I needed to accomplish that day.  I would become anxious-ridden if one thing got in the way of that list.  I still struggle, today, with The List.  I still struggle with having someone or something intrude before I get the List done.  Even this takes Self Control/self-discipline.   I always made rules for myself, even when I was really young.  Apparently, it is one of the symptoms of ADHD/OCD.  I am most hard on myself as a disciplinarian (perfectionism) and flagellate myself verbally when my Plan A has to be scrubbed.  I have to learn Self-Discipline as a positive, still, methinks.  As Mars moves in to rule, I work on letting myself rest more, do less, be kinder to myself, so self-discipline works in other ways other than rule-maker.

Remember to be kind to yourself.  Let Self-discipline be something you work on, as I do, every day.  I work to beat off procrastination as well.  We never get to old to learn to self-discipline about other things.  Mars sucks.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.21.24


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