Friday, April 5, 2024

Pluto Reigns In The Storm Before Dawning




Pluto is the smallest, furthest planet that, after 220 years, has come to cause tremendous transformation in our lives.  And we will feel it in many diverse ways:  Physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. 

I wondered why I have been so clumsy, tripping over things, dropping things, spilling things…making myself a huge mess to clean up.  After my brain bleed in 1982, I did such things.  In fact, I could do triple gainers over desks and garbage cans.  I had a student, at the time, who could do the same and within a year we had both shown what tripping and doing triple gainers were.  Our clumsiness was pure cause for laughter amongst all.  I am like that again.  In fact, just a couple of months ago, The Bee Man turned and knocked me flying into the gate, breaking it, knocking down part of the fence and landed in the largest rocks I have in the little garden.  It took me a couple of months to have the twisted back stop aching.  Seriously, I am such a clutz.

Pluto’s influence reigns with high passions, causes us to question traditions and structures.  We sense rebellion and causes us to grow with progressively strengthening energy.  Pluto is so much a cause of change and transformation, causing us to dig deep into the taboos of our life, for us to explore endings, death, rebirth and our own transformation through this. 

2023 will forever be “The Year That JanaDee Died”.  Yes, right after she died, we went on a cruise to Alaska.  Yes, we went to Yuma and Mexico before Christmas.  Those are a blur of background to my immense grief.  As I grieved, alone, I felt a change happen in me.  An acceptance.  A surrender.  I awaited her visitation in a dream to tell me she has healed.  It has happened…she walked into a room where I was.  I was startled and fearful of what she would do next.  She had that glorious smile of hers, she laughed with that evocative giggle, she shone.  She was happy, finally, and she moved towards me, with great love and I felt her asking for me to forgive her.  I wakened the moment I felt myself tell her I did, of course.  Not all change is negative, but it will be powerful nonetheless. 

Pluto, the bringer of change, will bring dreams and thoughts that are deeply embedded in our psyche.  It will take this delving into the deep, dark, recesses of memory, for true transition to happen.  It will be unpleasant as we all have that deep dark space within where all or fears, sorrow, and anger reside along with experiences in life that brought such to us. We will find ourselves turning to mew ways to ease the suffering that negative thoughts can bring us.  Pluto brings necessary change to us to prepare us for the future.  Pluto’s influence is , again, intense and passionate so we may feel like life is harsh.  Expect a transformation to a better person, a deeper, more passionate, more empathetic person.  A complete breakdown of the known, the comfortable, the space of peace in our lives will feel, betimes, like a festering boil just before it breaks and there is relief. 

Once we get through to September, Pluto’s influence will wane.  We will come out of it all with a new sense of self, of our bravery, of our authenticity, and we will be positive encouragement for those around us.  We will thrive, finally, thrive and we will have a new, strong, sense of empowerment to do greater and good things.     

May we be strong, courageous and resilient during this time of tough love by the planet Pluto.  Emotional turmoil will make us more able to connect with others in a deep emotional way we have not known before. This time of chaotic change, take advantage of the heightened passionate response in our relationships.  When raising my kids, I always told them to love one another because one day the whole world might hate them and they would need each other. I have heard my children tell their children the same.  Perhaps this is that time.  It will be a time for us to make sure we build strong relationships, strong boundaries; know and live our values, know and live our beliefs.  We will be tested.  Make sure you and yours bond strong and hold strong.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.5.24  

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