Saturday, December 30, 2023

Time Is Ticking



The year steadily comes to a close and there are changes happening in the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual world.  Are we changing with it or are we chaffing against it.?  Asd time ticks, the bear reigns supreme during this segment of time of winter coming on strong and time for us to nestle nicely into it.  This is the time for us to care for self.  Amidst the jingling and shooting fireworks is the center of our soul needing us to take time for self, to nurture self, to regain a sense of rest before spring comes.  It can feel like a long wait or, for some of u time is rushing through.  What can we do to take time for self?

Women were never encouraged to take time for self, for many decades.  We were to keep busy, be a servant to our family, and be a woebegone woman full of deprived body, mind, heart and soul.  Today’s women have been given cultural permission to rest and care for self, although it still might feel foreign to some of us baby boomers.  However you find peace, comfort, and time for just YOU is really important in today’s hurry-up world.  Some of us fight our type A personalities that have to be busy busy busy.  I find my peace and self-comfort in creativity.  It fills in the gaps of “What shall I do now?”

I will often turn to Youtube or Pinterest for inspiration for creations.  Right now, I have a rhythm that I hope to continue until my rag quilt is done.  I begin my morning with arting and blogging.  Then I get breakfast, welcome in home care, and then spend another ten-square time on strips for the quilt.  Doing handwork and art is my time of mediation, reflection, where I allow no negativity to enter in.  I tidy up, vacuum, spot ,mop the floor at the door where the dogs come in and out.  While The Bee Man watches global news, I finish my blog.  Then I turn to making sure I have the ingredients out for dinner and, today, am waiting for my sour dough starter to rise so I can begin sourdough bread, a’la Bonnie and Grace.

Then, after laundry and a quick swifter of living room, I have my shower and dude it up.  I weigh myself every morning, and I have lost 3 pounds since we got home...(down 57 pounds since February) I have to stop losing eight.  To quote a friend, I am “looking like a hag and dressing like a teenager”...which I only half agree with.  I get The Bee Man his lunch. After lunch I do another strip on the quilt, pick at something to eat, and do as bit of painting prep.  I make my phone calls, and do my business stuff, then another strip of quilt and do another layer on some painting I am working on. 

The afternoon is my down time.  It is when I run out of energy, and I may watch a youtube, or read a few pages of a book (which I might add, puts me into naptime really quickly.) Usually The Bee Man watches another inevitable old western, and I try to rest for an hour.  When I gt up it is go time again.  I am going to get the storage room sorted while I have all the Christmas boxes/bins out of the way.  That might be considered a resolution, right?  I might work a bit on that today.

I am also craving company.  I am thinking t invited some friends over for dinner and Ramoli for New Years Day… or as soon as they are free.

It is so easy to while the days away in isolation.  I do best when I have company.  I enjoy when Holly drops in and I find others o enjoy time with.  I, also have a friend who has never come for tea yet so I might invite her as well.  I find it very easy to just be but then I get bored and restless.  They break in a day is good for us all. 

Hibernation is not just good for forest animals.  We tend to withdraw due to weather and excuses.  This is a great time to focus on self and what relaxes us and is easier to deal with when winter comes.  We do need to learn to ten to ourselves.  It cannot be all drudgery and isolation.  That is not good for us either.   If we consider last year:  what made us feel goo, what were the highlights, what were the sad things, we can come up with many examples.  This is the time to reflect.  How do you reflect? What soothes you?  How do you hibernate?

©Carol Desjarlais 12.30.23

"Just a reminder

that you đon't have to

make resolutions.

Or huge đecisions.

Or big proclamations.

You can just set

some sweet intentions

and take each đay

as it comes."

Victoria Erickson, Writer

Author, Rhythms & Roads


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