Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Cold Moon – Difficult Decisions



Today there is a full moon, hoar frost has coated everything and does not melt during the day.  We have had a mild beginning of winter, but it is still cold. The temperatures are -1 to -4C, the nights are long, and a Tuesday’s full moon is ruled by Mars.  Since Mars cannot beat the cold, at this time, then the heat is transferred to our inner heat.  Know that you will feel some internal extremes and that you will be flustered with decision-making. 

The decisions you do make, are not able to stick.  You are hot and cold and will slip into ambivalence to deal with the chaos of feelings that decision has created within.  That chaos is amplified by your critical inner voice (what I call my Evil Inner Witch). No matter which way you decide, she will chatter about it being the wrong choice and she causes you to feel flustered.  She will tell you that you are unworthy of either decision.  She will try to influence you to feel shame, even try to cause you to feel repulsed at the decision you are waffling on.  Do not listen to her.  She has no right to be the voice(s) of the past that are trying to keep you down instead of you progressing on in your journey.   

Take note that part of the decision turmoil comes from you trying to please everyone else rather than do what is right for you.  That is the cause of you thinking one decision is right and then feeling guilt and shame for wanting that decision. 

Your best bet to resolving the chaos feelings is to do a check list of pros and cons.  Filling out the two lists as quickly as you can will help you see what is trying to guide your decision … that which should not have a voice in it at all.  What is the fear?  The fear belongs to the past.  Are you not willing to go on this adventure as a new beginning? 

Make a pledge to make choices and decisions from the seat of your soul.  Listen to your own voice.  Make decisions and choices from that, not from anyone else’s tired old critical voice(s) of the past.  It is a New Year, a new beginning, and the cold moon will pass with you having made the right choice for your own journey.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.26.23





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