Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Which Witch

"I’ve always been convinced that women have a supernatural ability to know what’s going on in a man’s soul. They’re all witches.”

Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello

I have friends who call themselves witches, but they are very adamant that they are white witches.  I had to read about it because, as I said, I have friends who call themselves white witches and I wanted to know more so I could understand their thinking.  Always be very careful about misconceptions because it is real to them, even if you differ in thoughts.  We are sisters to all and we do not want to insult or deny them their right to be comfortable with who/what they choose to be or feel called to be. I do know there are many who are trying to take back the term witch as healer/spiritual  rather than the negative.  For some, I believe, it helps them have some identity.   Some are, but do not wish to call themselves such because of the negativity.  There are, as I have heard, Self-proclaimed, hedge, green, white, kitchen, witches.  I am sure there are more that self-identify but label themselves differently than these.  Today they not only self-identify but they self-name what type they are. 

Sometimes I wonder if some of the young ones who proclaim a label so quickly are simply being rebellious or attention-seeking.  The witches I know are quiet, well-set in well-defined ways of being a witch, and are not, in any way, negative, nor are they brewing spells and creating charms to do ill to others. "Do No Harm!" is their basic belief about being knowledgeable about personal identification.   Many are taking a stand against Patriarchy, some are taking a stand against organized religions, and some are marching for empowerment of positives of/for feminism.  Most do not brag nor threaten nor inundate others with personal identifications of being Witch.  They choose what to identify with as far as knowing about and using stones, herbs, oracles, gazing balls, candles, oils, etc.  They seek to empower themselves and others.  I have many 'Good' witch friends who do not need to join in a group to feel empowered. 

In looking at definitions of what a Witch is, it could be someone who does magic in their kitchen with awesome meals and delicacies.  Some clean house like magic and are decorative and work their magic there.  Some meet in Prayer Circles.  Some meet in drum groups.  Some are creative witches and there is magic when they get engrossed in the peaceful creative place we go to to create.  There are a myriad of different magical ways and you could say, anyone who empowers others for the good, are witches.  Mothers, when they give birth are magical.  Sisters who make casseroles for the sick or bereaved could be called wonder witches.  The smell of homemade bread, pumpkin pie, turkey, streaming out an open window is magic.  Holding your first baby or grandchild or great grandchild is magical.  I am starting to understand that anything that is mysterious, magical, full of deep meaning, and creates good energy is how we all might be some kind of witch if we were to label ourselves. 

I think it is time for women to take back the name/label 'Witch'.  I believe any positive energy might be called a gathering of magic.  I believe those who pray are harnessing energy.  I believe those who have nasty or are hurt people hurting people are harnessing the energy of negative vibes.  We all have our moments of positive energy.  When we are energized by activities that are good for our body is harnessing energy, as in those who exercise faithfully, those who promote healthy lifestyles, are harnessing an energy.  We do not have to ever label what we do as good and good influence as anything other than tapping in to the energy of positive influence and worthy activities for self or others.  When others chose to call someone a witch, we know that they are typically being negative and full of negative energy and sending off negative vibes.    I had a great change of attitude about this all when I read Paulo Coelho's book, "The Witch of Portobello".  Why must we ever label anyone for any reason?  Why are we afraid, negative, against any who are driven to do good? 

Let Be and Let Go of our reasons to call any energy a negative label.  It is time to take back the label "Witch" and have it become, again, women who can harness good energy for good results.  What we do not understand, are not educated enough in, do not find the positive of, we must allow to be and let that/their good energy radiate out without us seeing it as mysterious and full of negative meanings.  We have all grown up with the negative Child-eating-witch stories of our childhood.  We were conditioned to think "Witch" and "evil" as one.  it is not.  I hope you will all be touching with a knowing through this blog entry.  You do not know who, even a best friend beside you, might be a witch of some sort.  I think I am many kinds of witch.  How about you?

Challenge:  In your art journal, create a page of symbolisms about how you might be full of positive energy (ies) and give off positive energy (ies).  I used a piece of deli paper-palette to cut out a template for my witch.  The moon is some silver threaded sticky backed piece I found in a craft area at Walmart.  

©Carol Desjarlais 10.9.19


  1. I know only one, she is quiet , kind, loving even tempered and patient. No one knows but few , chosen by her. Loved by everyone , never gossips. A beautiful woman with thick, long grey hair lovely skin. I am honored to know her.

  2. Yes, there are many out there we do not even guess at and in their quiet, private, ways, they practice their beliefs.
