Just because I think I can remember things well, it does not mean it was totally true. Think of it. You see, MY perspective and other’s perspectives will differ. Maybe not in huge degrees, but, maybe slight deviations to an incident. For one, I am aging and memory changes. Two, other people’s recall will differ according to their perspective of an event. Three, we change our attitude towards things and this may color the memory. We have to NOT rely on our memory of something. Our attitude towards certain events may change and thus that memory can change to fit that change in us.
Our brain tries to link a memory to the senses that are included: A smell, a taste, a feeling, a sound, peripheral surroundings. They say a dream, that is a message, and contains a truth for us, is one that is complete sensory. Memories are influenced by forgetting, parts being dumped as unnecessary residual to that memory. Those professionals that do hypnosis to retrieve memory can influence that memory. I had an incredible experience with the professional that worked with me to train me to work with Multiple Personality clients I had. I had some later in life flashes , or almost memories, of some trauma. The flash backs came stronger and stronger. I knew what the trauma was, but I had not had full body memory of it. She put me under light hypnosis to retrieve the rest of the information. All I knew was that some lace curtains in a rental we rented had stoked the flash backs. She was able to help me by helping me see that baby and gathering her up to comfort her. That baby had no words to express the trauma. I was able to gather her up and rock her. When she brought me out of the hypnosis, she had urged me to remember the incident and be able to ut words to it. It was the most comforting, awesome, experience. Knowing what had actually happened...including the WHO, gave me answers I had been questioning about why I reacted to certain things that had not made sense before. It was as if a mountain had been taken off my shoulders/soul. But I have heard of false memories being implanted. I know my memory of this incident was real because all the sense returned and there was visual evidence for the reason of the flashbacks. The curtains in a moonlit bedroom. It led me to deo deeper and deeper self-analysis and healing and change in me. Some memories are incomplete. Some are not as vivid as time passes.
But I can also tell you, that I saw an airplane crash and there was blood on the highway. I can tell you that, many times, I had to hide from an enemy, and ones I knew, and loved, and trusted, always brought them to where I was. Complete memories with sound, smell, feeling, whole body memories. Neither were true. The first came from a terrible reaction to some medication. The enemy experiences came as whole-sensory nightmares. ( I might add, that the enemy nightmare memories did come to the forefront many times in my life as I was betrayed by those I loved and trusted. A soul-lesson brought through dreams.)
Our memory of things are not exact and thinking they are sways you from your truths. We do not want to disappoint people, we do not want to be negative, we start coloring relating an incident for these reasons, as well. When we talk with others who were involved in an incident, they may color part of your memory afterward. They may even have us question your memory. While it is good to investigate, internally, a memory, and start to question all your memories, remember your truth. After listening to others about an incident, their versions may dilute yours. In a group, talking about an incident can cause shared forgetting so that you all change each others memory.
Even the act of personal remembering, we seem, to me, to open that memory up to editing because we are putting our Present moment and understanding into that memory. It is said that, if we deny a memory, it begins to fade more and more. We may still have that memory tucked in our place of remembering, but it is fragile. And we may stop trusting our memories.
Stay true to your own truths. Make sure you have not been influenced so that your truth becomes watered down or have false elements to it. If they are true to you, then back up your truths. As we age, our memories seem to resurface more often. I believe there are some memories NOT to share. Some memories are so very precious that we do not want them tainted.
©Carol Desjarlais 02.01.25
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